Zooming in for a Closer View
Did a small tweak to my flash setup and decided to do higher magnifications today. That also equals to more sweat and jelly arms at the end of the day. lol

#1 Spotted these really tiny beetles that look like lady bugs without the spots. Lots of them crawling on the trunk of a tree, each no more than 2 or 3mm in length!

#2 With so many of them, there’s bound to be amorous activity! Located several couples getting it on.

#3 Side view of the hard working ones. They were crawling around non-stop!

#4 Another closer view

#5 Lost count on the number of couples

#6 Final couple working out a serious drop of sweat!

#7 Ant-mimicking Spider deep in thought

#8 Things got comical when some water droplets landed on the poor guy

#9 Wiping the water off, but there’s another big blob between the front pair of eyes! Looks like another eye…

#10 Staring into it’s big watery eyes

#11 SALUTE! Thanks for being my subject!

#12 Sound alseep~

#13 This bug looked like a tortoise beetle from afar, as it’s shell had the same colour as the leaf it was on. Likely to be a variant of the shield backed bug.

#14 Record shot from above. No flash used.

#15 Final shot, could move far enough to ensure none of the legs were cropped away
The complete album can be
viewed here.