
The Weevil’s Wedding Vows

20 August 2011
To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Found a tree with a number of weevils that sport an irregular surface, like random debris on their bodies. Some played dead when I approached, but interestingly, two decided to stop in front of each other, locked in embrace, as if exchanging wedding vows. lol

Then how do they exchange rings huh?

Weevils (Curculionidae) - DSC_1463#1 Slowly… but surely, they approached each other

Weevils (Curculionidae) - DSC_1476#2 “Arms” locked and holding each other, they started their yada yada vows!

Cricket? - DSC_1443#3 Cute little cricket. Most think that they are grasshoppers. As a general guideline, grasshoppers and locusts have short antennae, while crickets and katydids have long ones. All of them belong to the same order Orthoptera.

Cricket? - DSC_1451#4 A very odd looking cricket, with much smaller eyes than usual, like that of an ant.

Longhorn Beetle (Cerambycidae) - DSC_1493#5 This fat little longhorn beetle flew all over the place and landed on some of our jeans as well. Decided to land on this tree trunk where I took a record shot.

Ant-Mimic Sac Spider (Utivarachna galyaniae) - DSC_1534#6 Spotted this ant-mimic sac spider moving its abdomen in circles. Seems to be busy building its nest for its eggs?

Ant-Mimic Sac Spider (Utivarachna galyaniae) - DSC_1563#7 Closer look at the mother-to-be

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1497#8 The find of the night – an adult male Damarchus workmani (Thorell 1891). ID kindly provided by David Court.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1501#9 Side view. Victor spotted it at the steps, roaming around.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1505#10 Closer view from top. This may look a little like a trap-door spider, but it actually houses itself in silk-lined burrows.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1516#11 Front view. The adult male comes out to roam at night, in search for a mate.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1516#12 Just for fun, here’s a 3D animation of the front view.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1543#13 Getting closer. 4 mites spotted at its jaws. Seems to be common amongst this species.

Damarchus workmani - DSC_1556#14 And even closer!

Damarchus workmani - DSC_0664#15 The younger Damarchus workmani looks like this

Damarchus workmani - DSC_0680#16 Typically parks itself at the entrance of its burrow, in wait for prey

Masked Hunter (Reduvius personatus?) - DSC_1580#17 Spotted another Masked Hunter on the way out. This was much bigger than the other one posted here. It is actually an assassin bug nymph that sticks debris on itself for camouflage.

The complete album can be viewed here.



Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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