The Threat of a Singapore Tarantula
Many spiders would raise their legs in a threatening pose when they sense an incoming danger. One of the more distinct ones were from the
Singapore Tarantula (
Phlogiellus inermis), where the forelegs are raised in the direction of danger.

#1 Found this tarantula running about on the ground

#2 We tried to take pictures of it, and it raised it’s legs up at us. This usually lasts only for a short moment.

#3 It continued running about and stopped on top of a slab of rock

#4 Wasn’t moving so I took my time to take some record shots

#5 Another angle of the tarantula

#6 And it raised the legs at us again!

#7 This time, it stayed there for a while, so I had the opportunity to change angles and quickly take more shots

#8 Two pairs of forelegs raised, and the tarantula stayed there… frozen

#9 I went as low as I could get but still could not get any nice background

#10 It took a while, but the tarantula got comfortable eventually on a fallen log

#11 More like a dead branch, but it was clinging on happily

#12 Final shot before I left it alone to find supper (or a mate)
Many other spiders do raise their fore-legs as well. They could be showing a display of threat, or otherwise?

#13 This Jumping Spider (
Siler sp.) raised both fore-legs at me while munching on supper

#14 An ant-mimic jumping spider raises it’s fore-legs

#15 This ant-mimic crab spider however, raises it’s forelegs possibly to mimic an ant’s moving antennae

#16 Face to face with a stick insect

#17 Close up on the eyes, very vibrant!

#18 Zooming out for a wider view

#19 Record shot showing the top view of the Phasmid

#20 Tiny little
Longhorn Beetle (

#21 Closer view

#22 It dropped from the leaf as I got closer, but clung onto a blade of grass

#23 Peekaboo!!

#24 mmfmfmmmmph… the grass is blocking my face

#25 Found this little froggie relaxing within some wet branches

#26 Final subject of the night was a
Tree Stump Orb Weaver (
Poltys elevatus)

#27 Moved some foliage behind to get some colour into the background 😛

#28 Front view, shows the hidden face of the fake tree stump
The complete album can be
viewed here.