Pill Millipedes are probably the cutest millipedes one could find. When disturbed, it rolls up into a ball, exposing only the tougher segmented backs and keeping the softer underparts out of sight. The most interesting bit comes when it determines that it is safe enough to come out from hiding and run about again. As it could be in any position when rolled up, it might sometimes be a challenge to get back on it’s feet, rolling around (hence the term roly poly) until the tiny feet catches onto something.
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Here’s the Pill Millipede all snugly rolled up. It has 12 body segments behind the head.
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Pill Millipede taking a peek, slowly opening up
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Oops.. it rolled the wrong way! Kinda reminded me of a baby.
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
While it was struggling, I was being really unhelpful and took shots from all angles.
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
After a brief struggle, the roly poly managed to turn itself over
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Pill Millipede finally touching ground!
Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
A simple animation of the Pill Millipede opening up.
Nursery Web Spider (Pisauridae)
Nursery Web Spider hiding at the edge of a hole in a leaf. This way, it could easily leap to either side of the leaf when danger approached. Irritating to most macro photographers. 🙂
Common Flashwing (Vestalis amethystina)
Lovely Common Flashwing found sleeping in the night. The blue iridescence on the wings are remarkably beautiful.
Common Flashwing (Vestalis amethystina)
Noted that when I positioned my flash from above, the iridescence could not be seen
Common Flashwing (Vestalis amethystina)
Close up on the body of the Common Flashwing
Common Flashwing (Vestalis amethystina)
Not forgetting a close up of the wings of the Common Flashwing
Thread-Legged Assassin Bug (Emesinae)
Victor showed me this Thread-Legged Assassin Bug dancing on a tree trunk. It felt like trying to focus on a string of flimsy thread when I was shooting this!!
Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)
As I was having problems with my flash earlier, I lagged behind the group but they were nice to keep an eye on this Jumping Spider for me before I caught up.
Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)
Usual drill… look left…
Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)
Look right…
Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)
This time, the Jumping Spider looked at me!!
Weevil (Curculionidae)
Before we left the trail, Victor found this tiny Weevil perched on a dead branch. I was feeling too lazy to shoot, but am glad Victor edged me on to take a shot!

More shots from the same night have been documented in my earlier blog post: Moulting – A Natural Wonder.
The complete album can be viewed here.