
The Huntsman Spider’s Babies

26 December 2010
A post-Christmas shoot at Venus Drive with quite a number of unique subjects! We found a Huntsman Spider tending after it’s nest. On closer inspection, the spiderlings had already hatched and were scrambling around the nest, indeed a sight to behold!

    Lichen Huntsman (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_1031
  1. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)
    The protective mother. Guess how many spiderlings are there in this picture?? 🙂

  2. Lichen Huntsman (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_1040
  3. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)
    Closer look, mother’s favorite kid stands right in front of her

  4. Lichen Huntsman (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_1043
  5. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)
    Under her watchful eyes

  6. Lichen Huntsman (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_1038
  7. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)
    Closeup on the siblings

  8. Lichen Huntsman (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_1051
  9. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)
    There were even more hiding under the nest!

  10. Ant (Formicidae) - DSC_0815
  11. Winged ant (Formicidae)
    Only some ants in each colony will have wings, and they venture out to mate and form new colonies. The queen would shed it’s wings after settling down to start the new colony. Some or most may fail in their task.

    Ant (Formicidae) - DSC_0803
  12. Winged ant (Formicidae)
    Attempting to stand tall

  13. Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_0827
  14. Crab spider (Angaeus sp.)
    Brown crab spider

  15. Bird Dung Orb Weaver (Pasilobus sp.) - DSC_0857
  16. Dung spider (Pasilobus sp.)
    You may remember this guy from an earlier post, let’s welcome back the Bird Dropping Spider!

  17. Bird Dung Orb Weaver (Pasilobus sp.) - DSC_0886
  18. Dung spider (Pasilobus sp.)
    A wider view with it’s gory details

  19. Bird Dung Orb Weaver (Pasilobus sp.) - DSC_0906
  20. Dung spider (Pasilobus sp.)
    Top view, this one actually had yellow streaks to complete the shitty look

  21. Blue Beetle - DSC_0914
  22. Leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae)
    A beautiful metallic blue furry beetle

  23. Blue Beetle - DSC_0926
  24. Leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae)
    David had spotted this, but it flew off before we could take more shots

  25. Blue Beetle - DSC_0944
  26. Leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae)
    Top view, it is generally hairy but some parts appeared to be “balding”

  27. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta rusticatrix) - DSC_0960
  28. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    Longhorn Beetle attempting a disco move

  29. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta sp.) - DSC_0979
  30. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    Longhorn Beetle portrait

  31. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta sp.) - DSC_0981
  32. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    This longhorn was very cooperative, it even allowed us to place a leaf behind to create the bright green backdrop

  33. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta sp.) - DSC_0990
  34. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    Going closer to observe the details

  35. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta sp.) - DSC_0997
  36. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    New passport photo for the longhorn!

  37. Mangrove Longhorn Beetle (Acalolepta sp.) - DSC_1005
  38. Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
    Here’s why it is called the Longhorn Beetle

  39. Straight-Snouted Weevil (Brentidae) - DSC_1015
  40. Straight-snouted weevil (Brentidae)
    A red-coloured weevil, first time spotting this species! It also flew off after we took a few shots

The complete album can be viewed here.



Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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All images © 2008-2025 Nicky Bay unless stated otherwise. Reproduction of any content without permission is prohibited. Please read the Image Use Policy and contact [email protected] for licensing requests.

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