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Return of the Eight-Spotted Crab Spider

11 August 2012
The Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) has been an elusive subject to many macro photographers, appearing in the Singapore macro scene a small handful of times per year, despite…

Huntsman Night

8 August 2012
Another walk into Bukit Timah led to the sighting of several Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae). Sometimes known as giant crab spiders, these relatively large spiders are often in abundance in…

Another Ladybird Mimic?

27 July 2012
Last year, I blogged about the Beauty of Ladybird Mimicry, listing several examples of bugs which mimic ladybirds. These bugs do so in hope of being associated to the…

Trilobite Beetles of Singapore

24 July 2012
Had a quick walk to locate one of the trilobite beetles known to exist in Singapore. Popularly known as Trilobite Beetle Larvae, these critters have a superficial resemblance to…
Guide Journal

Macro with a Cheap, Light-weight Setup

20 July 2012
My camera was in the service centre to check on a little glitch, so I had the opportunity to experiment with a light-weight setup using my older camera -…

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