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Erotylidae Checklist: Pleasing Fungus Beetles

14 January 2025
Pleasing Fungus Beetles from the family Erotylidae Latreille, 1802 are generally brightly coloured and hairless. Their antennae are clubbed, and tarsi (final leg segment) always 5-jointed. Although they are…
Checklist Feature

Coccinellidae Checklist: Ladybird Beetles

27 September 2023
Ladybirds from the family Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807 are also commonly known as Ladybugs in North America, but are actually not true bugs but beetles. That is why some prefer…

Tenebrionidae Checklist: Darkling Beetles

14 September 2019
The common name darkling beetles was derived from the Latin name Tenebrio, which meant “seeker of dark places”. While most tenebrionids are nocturnal, some are seen to be active…

Cassidinae Checklist: Tortoise Beetles

13 August 2019
Tortoise beetles belong to the subfamily Cassidinae. They are characterised by a broad domed oval shaped elytra, like that of a tortoise shell. The larvae are flattened and spiny,…

Buprestidae Checklist: Jewel Beetles

12 July 2019
Jewel beetles are wood-boring beetles belonging to the Buprestidae family. They are most well-known for their glossy and iridescent colours in many species. Due to the brilliant colours, it…

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