Feature Journal

Spider Photo Exhibition at Senckenberg Natural History Museum

14 July 2016

From 15th July 2016 to 8th January 2017, I will have a gallery of spider photos exhibited at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. The Spider Exhibition or SPINNEN, which means “spider” in German, will also include almost 50 live arachnid exhibits by ARANEUS as well as numerous spider web art installations by Tomás Saraceno. Don’t miss the exhibition if you are around the region!

Many thanks to the staff at Senkenberg for their hard work for the successful opening and numerous arrangements for me, especially Peter Jäger, Thorolf Müller, Andrea Spiekermann, Alexandra Donecker and Sylvia-Meilin Weber!

Special thanks to my wife for the support, for tolerating my numerous field trips and accompanying me to the opening!

I was there on 14th July for the official opening where we had the press conference and panel discussions. Here are some photos and videos from the day’s events! Photos from Adeline Tan and Senckenberg Museum.

  1. News Report by Rheinmaintv

    Includes interviews with the organizers, Tomás Saraceno and myself (dubbed in German).

  2. Peter Jäger's Office - DSC_3004
  3. Peter Jäger’s Office

    Despite his busy schedule, Peter gave us a tour of the spider collections and his office. I didn’t take much pictures but here’s his office door!

  4. Peter Jäger in an interview - DSC05332
  5. Peter Jäger in an interview

    He was too tall, the reporter had to stand on a stool. (not in the photo)

  6. Spider Webs by Tomás Saraceno - DSC05341
  7. Spider Webs by Tomás Saraceno

    Tomás posing for the reporters.

  8. Interview with SAT.1 - DSC05343
  9. Interview with SAT.1

    After the press conference, some of the reporters had some questions for me.

  10. Interview with science radio - DSC05344
  11. Interview with science radio

    Not sure which station this was, should have gotten a card!

  12. Interview with SAT.1 - DSC05345
  13. Interview with SAT.1

    Scene of me looking at my photos.

  14. Spider Webs by Tomás Saraceno - DSC05339
  15. Spider Webs by Tomás Saraceno

    Combination of Cyrtophora and Nephila webs.

  16. Tarantula - DSC_3003
  17. Tarantula

    One of the many tarantulas on display, shot from my mobile phone through the glass. There are also a few scorpions with a UV display switch, some amblypygids as well as the infamous black widow spiders!

  18. Walckenaeria acuminata - DSC_3036
  19. Walckenaeria acuminata Blackwall, 1833

    I had a little bit of time before the panel discussions and roamed around the museum. This is a model of a really bizarre male Walckenaeria acuminata with all its eyes on a single stalk!

  20. Walckenaeria acuminata - DSC_3038
  21. Walckenaeria acuminata Blackwall, 1833

    The actual specimen is really tiny, just about 4mm in size!

  22. Museum  tiger beetle specimens - DSC05365
  23. Museum tiger beetle specimens

    There was an extensive collection of specimens on display. Here’s the collection of tiger beetles. Too colourful to miss!

  24. Setting up the stage
  25. Setting up the stage

    The museum staff were setting up the stage in front of the dinosaur exhibits.

  26. Panel Discussion
  27. Panel Discussion

    The crowds came in and we’re live!

  28. Panel Discussion - DSC05386
  29. Panel Discussion

    From the left: Tomás Saraceno, myself, Shary Reeves, Peter Jäger and Verena Kuni. Shary Reeves was the host and introduced each of us while sparking some discussions on spiders.

  30. Panel Discussion
  31. Arachnophobia

    Shary Reeves: “4 out of 5 housewives have a fear of spiders, what would you say about that Peter?”

    Peter Jäger: “9 out of 10 spiders have a fear of housewives!”

  32. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  33. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

    Dominik and Thorolf cutting the ribbon to release the crowds into the exhibition rooms.

  34. Crowd Entering the Exhibition Rooms
  35. Crowd Entering the Exhibition Rooms

    And they’re going in!

  36. Exhibition Room - DSC05389
  37. Exhibition Room

    Visitors admiring the live specimens and photos.

  38. Spider Photo Exhibition - DSC05391
  39. Spider Photo Exhibition

    Some were taking photos of the photos.

  40. Spider Photo Exhibition - DSC05390
  41. Spider Photo Exhibition

    Probably to send to their friends?

  42. Frankfurt City Skyline - DSC05393
  43. Frankfurt City Skyline

    We adjourned to the museum’s roof top for a party to celebrate the exhibition opening’s success.

  44. Roof Top Party - DSC05402
  45. Roof Top Party

    The man who got us all together.

  46. Toast with Tomás Saraceno - DSC05405
  47. Toast with Tomás Saraceno

    A toast to all!

  48. Cola Bay checking out my luggage - DSC_3049
  49. Cola Bay checking out my luggage

    We had left our cats for 2 weeks, and the first thing the goofy Cola Bay did when we returned was to sneak into our luggage. A little bit too late to pack you in???

The exhibition will be open from 15th July 2016 to 8th January 2017. Senckenberg Natural History Museum is just 2 stops away on U4 from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof to Bockenheimer Warte. Please remember to check the museum’s website for the directions and opening hours!

If you are interested in licensing my work for exhibits or publishing, please contact me at nicky@bay.to.

Media Reports

Here are some other reports in the media (all in German).

  1. Hessentipp: Spinnen
  2. SAT.1: Vormaz Spinnen und Talk
  3. Rheinmaintv: Ein Spinnennetz für das Senckenberg-Museum
  4. Rheinmaintv: Spinnen im Senckenberg-Museum
  5. RTL: Spinnen im Senckenberg-Museum



Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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All images © 2008-2025 Nicky Bay unless stated otherwise. Reproduction of any content without permission is prohibited. Please read the Image Use Policy and contact nicky@bay.to for licensing requests.

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