Return of the Whip Spider
The name “Whip Spider” often refers to the Tailless Whip Scorpion in certain literature. But the whip spider I’m highlighting in this post, is sometimes known as a Twig Spider as well. At rest, this deceptive creature looks just like a plain twig dangling in mid-air.

#1 I used to see this Whip Spider (
Ariamnes flagellum) at Admiralty Park, but that was a long time ago. Here, we found a female again and with prey! The prey is likely to be a Big bellied spider (
Tylorida ventralis).

#2 Didn’t stay still, as it juggled with the prey

#3 Still playing around

#4 Twisted itself around

#5 Even tried some yoga poses

#6 Here’s another one that I took some time ago, running around, seemingly busy preparing it’s web

#7 Not looking very friendly there

#8 The camouflage

#9 And yet another time when the female was protecting it’s egg sac

#10 Close up on the egg sac and mother
The morning had some other usual finds as well.

#11 A tiny
Laglaise’s Garden Spider (
Eriovixia laglaisei). It looked like it had some arrows stuck on it’s legs!

#12 Velvet Ant, a.k.a. Cow Killer walking about on this leaf endlessly. These are actually wingless wasps that pack a really painful bite!

#13 Closeup on an unknown Salticid, possibly
Evarcha sp.

#14 Hallo Mr Blackface!

#15 Some kinda beetle?

#16 Mating Net-Winged Beetles

#17 Victor found this cute Copper Cheeked Frog.

#18 It bathed under the sun, and the light shone through little kermit!

#19 Last shot before it hopped away

#20 Dragonfly. I’m bad with dragonfly identification… anyone with help? =D

#21 A pair of mating weevils, really slowly doing it

#22 Longhorn Beetle (
Xystrocera festiva)

#23 Top view to confirm it’s identity

#24 Two-Tailed Spider (
Hersilia sp) on tree trunk, quite a colourful one!

#25 Close up on the abdomen
The complete album can be
viewed here.
Your "#20 Dragonfly" photo appears to show a MALE Cratilla metallica (Dark-Tipped Forest-Skimmer, Brackish Chaser).
In addition to the dark wing-tips & metallic-golden eyes that distinguish this forest species, the males sport a light blue upper-thorax & dark blue abdomen, while the females have a more uniformly blue thorax & abdomen.
Some photos/info for reference:
[1] Dragonflies & Damselflies of Singapore (06 Feb 09) — male & female
[2] Odonata of Peninsular Malaysia (06 Nov 09) — males: top & bottom views
[3] Krau Phra Thaew Ecological Sustainability Project — male
[4] Singapore Odonata — females
[5] Asia Dragonfly — males & females