A quiet walk down the deserted path once again. Decided to venture further in this time, and turned back only when I stumbled into the paths of a pack of stray barking dogs. They didn’t seem to like me so I slowly retreated. >.<

#1 Lynx Spider guarding its nest. I’m seeing this almost everywhere I go!!

#2 From the Hesperiinae family, can’t confirm which Dart this is!

#3 Male Lynx Spider crushes its prey. Male because of its 2 big.. erm.. palps!

#4 Working on the prey. SOMEHOW this looks quite motherly…

#5 Oops, he noticed me and dropped the little one

#6 Nasutitermes Luzonicus (Luzon Point Headed termite) Long trail of them leading from tree to tree. Very unique pointed heads! Wonder if they’d use their heads to poke you when they sense danger??

#7 Really ugly grasshopper, shall be a record shot for me 😛

#8 Tiny Jumping Spider wondering if its going to rain…

#9 Warming up for a round of YOGA!

#10 Not sure of the exact species, but it has a beautiful purple/yellow-striped body

#11 *gulp* so high ah?

#12 Tiny St Andrews Cross spider, I saw a much larger one nearby but the angle wasn’t possible for me to take a picture. Its legs are usually positioned in pairs to resemble a cross.

#13 Shifting around for a brighter background

#14 Slowly feasting on what looks like a fruit-bit. Any ID for this bug?
The complete album can be
viewed here.