Prosperity Froggie
#1 Found the prosperity froggy, thanks to Marcus and James. Nyctixalus pictus.
#2 Prosperity Froggie because it is orange. 大吉大利!
#3 Oblivious to our presence, we could even rotate the froggie around on the leaf without it jumping off. Extremely flat little froggie.
#4 Close up on the face.
#5 Placed the flash under the leaf to get an “X-ray” of the froggie.
#6 Marcus found another one!
#7 Looks the same alright
#8 Another close up
#9 This Wolf Spider (Pardosa sp.) mother was carrying her egg sac
#10 Going closer
#11 And closer!!
#12 Possibly a Kidney Garden Spider (Araneus mitificus)?
#13 Harvestman with a spikey green back
#14 Side view highlights the spikes
#15 Unique looking bug with cyan stripes on it’s abdomen
#16 Usual scorpion on a tree bark
#17 Lighted with Ultra Violet
#18 Ultra Violet mixed with flash
#19 Not so common scorpion, Hemiscorpiidae?. Refused to stop moving. Some of them had smaller pincers, which I suspect to be females of the same species?
#20 Tiny tail, I wonder how it manages to sting the prey? Likely to swing from the side like a crocodile.
#21 Lighted with Ultra Violet again.
#22 Final shot. I was waiting for a mating pair but they just wouldn’t come out from beneath the tree bark.
To find out why scorpions glow under Ultra Violet light, refer to my previous post:
#23 Scarab beetle?
#24 Couldn’t retract it’s wings
#25 Two dragonflies at rest
#26 They were beautifully covered with dew
James blogged about this trip here.
The complete album can be viewed here.