
The Promise of 10 Spiders…

12 February 2011
Back at the trail beside Republic Polytechnic! Largely because one of the AP regulars said that there were a lot of spiders and promised that I’d find at least 10 spiders if I went with them! True enough, there were lots of spiders — the common ones! lol. And many of the same species, found at least 3 wolf spider mothers carrying egg sacs in the same bush.

Tiger Beetle (Cicindelinae) - DSC_2890#1 Greeted by a Tiger Beetle at the entrance, blue elongated body with orange legs.

Crab Spider (Camaricus maugei) - DSC_2916#2 First spider! Should be a Crab Spider, but I’m not entirely sure.

Crab Spider (Camaricus maugei) - DSC_2916_3d#3 Having some fun animating the scene, it gives you a 3D feel of the spider

Crab Spider (Camaricus maugei) - DSC_2954#4 Head shot of the crab spider. So not chio, completely black! lol

Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_2972#5 One of the wolf spider mothers. This was unique as the babies had already hatched. No babies to be found (very odd) and the sac was still dangling. All that I found were dew drops on it’s body.

Nephilidae - DSC_3104#6 A tiny male spider (anyone help with ID?) with very vivid colours! It had a horizontal web and was “floating” above the web, and occasionally looking down at the web. The black “boxing gloves” are it’s palps, aka male organs.

Nephilidae - DSC_3118#7 Closer look at the palps

Nephilidae - DSC_3123#8 Started dancing around on it’s web

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3010#9 Found a Red Tent Spider Cyrtophora unicolor (Doleschall) 1857. This was a beautiful one with distinct patterns and deep red legs. It constructed a massive 3 dimensional web with irregular shapes and random twigs and leaves dangling from it. This fella would usually be hidden under a leaf in the center of the web. Difficult to get a good shot due to the odd angles (usually facing down) and complexity of the web. Luckily, this one was relatively near to the edge. The regulars at AP used to call this the rotten strawberry. 😛

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3024#10 Front view, snuggling very tightly into the leaf

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3083#11 Observing the details of it’s face

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3083#12 An even closer look… with all the hairy details.

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3083_3d#13 Say NO!

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3096_3d#14 Say YES!

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3129#15 The sun came out and we managed to get brighter backgrounds

Red Tent Spider (Cyrtophora unicolor) - DSC_3136#16 We could get various different backgrounds just by changing the camera’s angle

So….! Nope I did not get to shoot 10 spiders. But I did see more than 10, if many of the same species were counted. I also gave some subjects a miss, such as a few of the giant orb weavers, and the huntsman spider with egg sac (should hatch soon!).

The complete album can be viewed here.
  1. Reply

    James K

    12 February 2011

    Fantastic details on that shiny red tent spider, always amazed at how you light your subjects.

    The crab spider is likely to be Camaricus. A lot of websites list it as C. maugi but I'm too lazy to dig up the papers to confirm 😛

  2. Reply

    Nicky Bay

    12 February 2011

    Thanks for dropping by James!

    The crab spider does look like the Camaricus, but first time seeing one with a completely black face – usually has a red face with black spots where the eyes are.

    Then again, the eight-spotted crab spider had similar variants with respect to the patterns on it's face too!

  3. Reply


    13 February 2011

    the orangey spider should be a male Nephila. Any females in the area?

  4. Reply

    Nicky Bay

    13 February 2011

    Thanks for the ID Marcus! Saw lots of large female orb weavers at that spot, but didn't look close enough to see which type they were.



Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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