A Night of Hairy Huntsman Spiders
A night into Nangka Trail led to several sightings of Huntsman Spiders – really hairy ones. If we didn’t have the ID, they’d be fondly called the Orang Utan Spiders. Because of the long hair perhaps?

#1 First one was a juvenile

#2 This had a really dark shade of orange

#3 Front view

#4 Didn’t really like me and had the legs open for a moment

#5 Bright red stripes

#6 Head shot
Lots of other findings other than the huntsman spiders. I dropped by Venus Drive to take some shots of the
Ypsotingis as I didn’t get any good shots of it in the previous week.

Ypsotingis, with 2 enlarged cysts on it’s back

#8 Somehow, it refused to stop moving once I started to take aim. Might be very sensitive to the focusing light.

#9 Details on the wings

#10 Side view

#11 Some bioluminescent mushrooms were also spotted on a dead log

#12 Not many mushrooms, so I just zoomed into 2 that were close to each other

#13 Katydid with a dark green body and white legs.

#14 Founds some eggs… where’s the mother???

#15 There she is! A
Epeus flavobilineatus counts her eggs once she returned.

#16 My Precious!!

#17 All round protection as she turns round and round.

#18 Wolf Spider rests on a leaf

#19 Adult Assassin Bug

#20 Top view of the wings

#21 This spider tends to spin webs on a single leaf

Tailless Whip Scorpion (
Amblypygi), almost a permanent resident of Nangka Trail

#23 Close up shot of the
#24 A golden coloured Robberfly. Flew off after I took this shot. 🙁

#25 “Santa Claus” Longhorn Beetle. Might have been dead for some time as the fungus engulfed it’s body.

#26 White Striped Wandering Spider

#27 A large House Centipede devouring a cockroach

#28 Side view, with the background lighted up using a torch

#29 A beautiful scorpion with it’s sting perched high up

#30 View from above

#31 Sac Spider head shot

#32 Bronzeback Snake? Not sure, it slithered off after this shot
The complete album can be
viewed here and
James K
#29 and #30 may be Chaerilus sp.