Checklist Journal Workshop

Mozambique BugShot 2018 Checklist

30 May 2018

BugShot Mozambique 2018 left behind many memories. From the constant warnings of lions that wanted to eat us, the vastness of the African savannah, the gigantic potholes on the road from Beira to Gorongosa, the sandstorms we kicked up from our trucks on each field trip, the baboons and warthogs right outside our rooms, the never-ending chocolate mousse, and of course, the bugs and the wonderful bug-people.

BugShot is a series of macro photography workshops. Some are held in the USA and one would be held in an exotic location in some other part of the world each year. Conducted from 20 to 29 May 2018 at Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa, all of the organisation work in BugShot Mozambique 2018 was done by Piotr Naskrecki with John and Kendra Abbott, joined by instructors Thomas Shahan and myself.

The next BugShot will be held in the cloud forests of Mindo, Ecuador from Aug 17th-24th, 2019. I won’t be part of this workshop, but do check out BugShot Ecuador 2019 if you are interested!

This post is a checklist of what I’ve photographed and sorted taxonomically. I would like to thank the following for providing most of the identifications.

Identifications are usually not very accurate when done from photos alone. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes. If you like this checklist, you would probably be interested in the Spiders of Madagascar checklist as well.

Macro Photography Equipment

All photos in this post were taken with the Nikon D850, Tamron 90mm and Laowa 2:1 100mm (not available yet), sometimes with a cctv lens attached. Almost all shots were lighted with a wireless macro flash system Meike MK-MT24 mounted on FotoPro DMM-903s flexible flash arms.


(Juv)  Juvenile / Nymph / Larva

Phylum: Arthropoda Lankester, 1904

Subphylum: Chelicerata Heymons, 1901

Class: Arachnida Lamarck, 1801

Order: Araneae Clerck, 1757

Family: Araneidae Clerck, 1757

Genus: Araneus Clerck, 1757

Green orb weaver spider (Araneus sp.) - DSC_2991

Araneus apricus (Karsch, 1884) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Araneus sp.) - DSC_5106

Araneus apricus (Karsch, 1884) ♀

Genus: Argiope Audouin, 1826

Zigzag orb weaver (Argiope cf. lobata or levii) - DSC_4074

Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772)
or Argiope levii Bjørn, 1997 ♀

Zigzag orb weaver (Argiope cf. lobata or levii) - DSC_3986

Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772)
or Argiope levii Bjørn, 1997 ♀ (Juv)

Zigzag orb weaver (Argiope cf. lobata or levii) - DSC_5555

Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772)
or Argiope levii Bjørn, 1997 ♀

Zigzag orb weaver (Argiope australis) - DSC_5956

Argiope australis (Walckenaer, 1805) ♀

Genus: Caerostris Thorell, 1868

Broad-headed bark spiderlings (Caerostris sp.) - DSC_3527

Caerostris cf. linnaeus Gregorič, 2015 (Juv)

Broad-headed bark spiderlings (Caerostris sp.) - DSC_3533

Caerostris cf. linnaeus Gregorič, 2015 (Juv)

Genus: Clitaetra Simon, 1889

Hermit spider (Clitaetra cf. irenae) - DSC_6371

Clitaetra cf. irenae Kuntner, 2006 Juv

Genus: Cyclosa Menge, 1866

Trashline orb-weaver spider (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_2238

Cyclosa sp. ♀ 2238

Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_2746

Cyclosa insulana (Costa, 1834) ♀

Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_6227

Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer, 1802) ♀

Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_5540

Cyclosa sp. ♀ 5540

Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_4133

Cyclosa sp. ♀ 4133

Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_6539

Cyclosa sp. ♀ 6539

Orb weaver spider (cf. Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_5025

cf. Cyclosa sp. ♂ 5025

Genus: Cyrtophora Simon, 1864

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_2213

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♀

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_2203

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♀

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_2571

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♀

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_4109

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♀

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_6354b

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♀

Tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola) - DSC_6281

Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) ♂

Genus: Eriovixia Archer, 1951

Orb weaver spider (Eriovixia sp.) - DSC_4207

Eriovixia sp. (Juv)

Genus: Gasteracantha Sundevall, 1833

Kite spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha falcicornis) - DSC_2412

Gasteracantha falcicornis Butler, 1873 ♀

Spiny kite orb weaver (Gasteracantha falcicornis) - DSC_4276

Gasteracantha falcicornis Butler, 1873 ♀

Spiny kite orb weaver (Gasteracantha falcicornis) - DSC_3788

Gasteracantha falcicornis Butler, 1873 ♀

Spiny orb weaver (cf. Gasteracantha sp.) - DSC_4424

cf. Gasteracantha sp. Sub ♂

Spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha sp.) - DSC_2496

Gasteracantha cf. sanguinolenta C.L. Koch, 1844 ♀ (Juv)

Genus: Gastroxya Benoit, 1962

Spiny orb weaver (Gastroxya benoiti) - DSC_4888

Gastroxya benoiti Emerit, 1973 ♀

Genus: Isoxya Simon, 1885

Kite biscuit orb weaver (Isoxya tabulata) - DSC_2370

Isoxya tabulata (Thorell, 1859) ♀

Kite biscuit orb weaver (Isoxya tabulata) - DSC_4342

Isoxya tabulata (Thorell, 1859) ♀

Genus: Neoscona Simon, 1864

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona rufipalpis) - DSC_4429

Neoscona rufipalpis (Lucas, 1858) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona rufipalpis) - DSC_6113

Neoscona rufipalpis (Lucas, 1858) ♂

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona subfusca) - DSC_4634

Neoscona subfusca (C.L.Koch, 1837) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona subfusca) - DSC_4640

Neoscona subfusca (C.L.Koch, 1837) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona triangula) - DSC_3004

Neoscona triangula (Keyserling, 1864) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona triangula) - DSC_2611

Neoscona triangula (Keyserling, 1864) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_3019

Neoscona sp. ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_2606

Neoscona cf. hirta (C.L. Koch, 1844) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_2135

cf. Neoscona sp. ♂

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_3124

cf. Neoscona sp. ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_5541

Neoscona sp. ♀

Orb weaver spider (Neoscona sp.) - DSC_5861

Neoscona theisi theisiella (Tullgren, 1910) ♀

Genus: Pararaneus Caporiacco, 1940

Orb weaver spider (Pararaneus cyrtoscapus) - DSC_6081

Pararaneus cyrtoscapus (Pocock, 1898) ♂ 6081

Orb weaver spider (Pararaneus perforatus) - DSC_6630

Pararaneus perforatus (Thorell, 1899) ♂

Genus: Poltys C. L. Koch, 1843

Tree stump orb weaver (Poltys furcifer) - DSC_5095x

Poltys furcifer Simon, 1881 ♀

Tree stump orb weaver (Poltys furcifer) - DSC_5037

Poltys furcifer Simon, 1881 ♀

Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.) - DSC_5589

Poltys sp.

Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.) - DSC_5593

Poltys sp.

Genus: Prasonica Simon, 1895

Cucumber orb weaver (Prasonica nigrotaeniata) - DSC_5112

Prasonica nigrotaeniata (Simon, 1909) ♀

Orb weaver spider (Prasonica nigrotaeniata) - DSC_2562

Prasonica nigrotaeniata (Simon, 1909) ♀

Genus: Unknown

Orb weaver spider (Araneidae) - DSC_4426


Family: Ctenidae Keyserling, 1877

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_2235

Ctenidae 2235

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_2228

Ctenidae 2228

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_4692

Ctenidae 4692

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_4862

Ctenidae 4862

Wandering spider exuviae (Ctenidae) - DSC_5366

Ctenidae 5366

Wandering spider exuviae (Ctenidae) - DSC_5351

Ctenidae 5351

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_5512

Ctenidae 5512

Wandering spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_5525b

Ctenidae 5525

Family: Dipluridae Simon, 1889

Genus: Thelechoris Karsch, 1881

Curtain-web spider (Dipluridae) - DSC_4966

Thelechoris striatipes (Simon, 1889)

Curtain-web spider (Dipluridae) - DSC_4971b

Thelechoris striatipes (Simon, 1889)

Family: Eresidae C. L. Koch, 1845

Genus: Stegodyphus Simon, 1873

Social velvet spider (Stegodyphus sp.) - DSC_6634

Stegodyphus africanus (Blackwall, 1866) ♂

Social velvet spider (Stegodyphus sp.) - DSC_6634_wide

Stegodyphus africanus (Blackwall, 1866) ♀♂

Family: Eutichuridae Lehtinen, 1967

Genus: Cheiracanthium C. L. Koch, 1839

Sac spider (Cheiracanthium sp.) - DSC_2674

Cheiracanthium sp. ♂

Sac spider (Cheiracanthium sp.) - DSC_2670

Cheiracanthium sp. ♂

Sac spider (Cheiracanthium sp.) - DSC_5609

Cheiracanthium sp. ♀

Sac spider (Cheiracanthium sp.) - DSC_5613

Cheiracanthium sp. ♀

Sac spider (cf. Cheiracanthium sp.) - DSC_4936

cf. Cheiracanthium sp. ♂

Family: Filistatidae Ausserer, 1867

Genus: Afrofilistata Benoit, 1968

Crevice weaver spider (Afrofilistata fradei) - DSC_3858

Filistatidae ♀

Family: Gnaphosidae Pocock, 1898

Genus: Zelotes Gistel, 1848

Flat-bellied spider (Zelotes sp.) - DSC_3767

Zelotes sp.

Flat-bellied spider (Zelotes sp.) - DSC_3776

Zelotes sp.

Family: Idiopidae Simon, 1892

Genus: Ctenolophus Purcell, 1904

Armored trapdoor spider (Ctenolophus sp.) - DSC_2513

Ctenolophus sp. ♂

Armored trapdoor spider (Ctenolophus sp.) - DSC_2518

Ctenolophus sp. ♂

Family: Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833

Wolf spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_2219


Wolf spider (cf. Evippomma or Evippa sp.) - DSC_2632

cf. Evippomma sp. or Evippa sp.

Wolf spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_6261

Lycosidae 6261

Wolf spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_6276

Lycosidae 6276

Family: Oxyopidae Thorell, 1870

Genus: Hamataliwa Keyserling, 1887

Lynx spider (Hamataliwa sp.) - DSC_5308

Hamataliwa sp.

Lynx spider (Hamataliwa sp.) - DSC_5328

Hamataliwa sp.

Genus: Oxyopes Latreille, 1804

Lynx spider (Oxyopes cf. flavipalpis) - DSC_4662

Oxyopes cf. flavipalpis (Lucas, 1858)

Lynx spider (Oxyopes cf. flavipalpis) - DSC_4675

Oxyopes cf. flavipalpis (Lucas, 1858)

Lynx spider (Oxyopes cf. jacksoni) - DSC_5894

Oxyopes cf. jacksoni Lessert, 1915

Lynx spider (Oxyopes cf. jacksoni) - DSC_5900

Oxyopes cf. jacksoni Lessert, 1915

Lynx spider (Oxyopes sp.) - DSC_4769

Oxyopes sp. 4769

Lynx spider (Oxyopes sp.) - DSC_4773

Oxyopes sp. 4773

Genus: Peucetia Thorell, 1869

Green lynx spider (Peucetia pulchra) - DSC_4942

Peucetia pulchra (Blackwall, 1865)

Green lynx spider (Peucetia pulchra) - DSC_4947

Peucetia pulchra (Blackwall, 1865)

Family: Nephilidae Simon, 1894

Nephilidae was resurrected in Dec 2018. Before that, it used to be in the subfamily Nephilinae under Araneidae.

Genus: Nephilingis Kuntner, 2013

Hermit spider (Nephilingis cruentata) - DSC_5759

Nephilingis cruentata (Fabricius, 1775) ♀

Hermit spider (Nephilingis cruentata) - DSC_5768

Nephilingis cruentata (Fabricius, 1775) ♀

Genus: Trichonephila Dahl, 1911

Nephila fenestrata and Nephila senegalensis were transferred to Trichonephila in Dec 2018 by Kuntner et al.

Golden orb weaver (Trichonephila fenestrata) - DSC_4090

Trichonephila fenestrata Thorell, 1859 ♀

Golden orb weaver (Trichonephila cf. fenestrata) - DSC_2419

Trichonephila fenestrata Thorell, 1859 ♀

Golden orb weaver (Trichonephila senegalensis) - DSC_3665

Trichonephila senegalensis (Walckenaer, 1842) ♀

Golden orb weaver (Trichonephila senegalensis) - DSC_3633

Trichonephila senegalensis (Walckenaer, 1842) ♀

Family: Palpimanidae Thorell, 1870

Genus: Palpimanus Dufour, 1820

Palp-footed spider (Palpimanus sp.) - DSC_2597

Palpimanus cf. giltayi Lessert, 1936 ♀

Palp-footed spider (Palpimanus sp.) - DSC_2579

Palpimanus cf. giltayi Lessert, 1936 ♀

Palp-footed spider (cf. Palpimanus sp.) - DSC_4758

Palpimanus cf. giltayi Lessert, 1936 ♀

Palp-footed spider (cf. Palpimanus sp.) - DSC_4740

Palpimanus cf. giltayi Lessert, 1936 ♀

Family: Philodromidae Thorell, 1870

Genus: Tibellus Simon, 1875

Grass running spider (Tibellus cf. kibonotensis) - DSC_3479

Tibellus cf. kibonotensis Lessert, 1919

Family: Pholcidae C. L. Koch, 1850

Genus: Leptopholcus Simon, 1893

Daddy-long-legs spider (Leptopholcus cf. gracilis) - DSC_2739

Leptopholcus cf. gracilis Berland, 1920 ♀

Daddy-long-legs spider (Leptopholcus cf. gracilis) - DSC_2742

Leptopholcus cf. gracilis Berland, 1920 ♀

Genus: Smeringopus Simon, 1890

Daddy-long-legs spider (Pholcidae) - DSC_6541

cf. Smeringopus sp. 6541

Family: Pisauridae Simon, 1890

Genus: Euprosthenops Pocock, 1897

Nursery web spider (Euprosthenops cf. australis) - DSC_5410

Euprosthenops cf. australis Simon, 1898

Genus: Nilus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876

Nursery web spider (cf. Nilus sp.) - DSC_2847

cf. Nilus sp.

Nursery web spider (cf. Nilus sp.) - DSC_2887

cf. Nilus sp.

Genus: Unknown

Nursery web spider (Pisauridae) - DSC_2696


Nursery web spider (Pisauridae) - DSC_2709


Nursery web spider exuvium (Pisauridae) - DSC_3563


Nursery web spider (Pisauridae) - DSC_6526

Pisauridae 6526

Family: Salticidae Blackwall, 1841

Genus: Brancus Simon, 1902

Jumping spider (Brancus mustela) - DSC_6045

Brancus mustela (Simon, 1902) ♀

Jumping spider (Brancus mustela) - DSC_6050

Brancus mustela (Simon, 1902) ♀

Genus: Hyllus C. L. Koch, 1846

Jumping spider (Hyllus cf. argyrotoxus) - DSC_3131

Hyllus cf. argyrotoxus Simon, 1902 ♀

Jumping spider (Hyllus cf. argyrotoxus) - DSC_3155

Hyllus cf. argyrotoxus Simon, 1902 ♀

Jumping spider (Hyllus argyrotoxus) - DSC_4176

Hyllus argyrotoxus Simon, 1902 ♂

Jumping spider (Hyllus argyrotoxus) - DSC_4159

Hyllus argyrotoxus Simon, 1902 ♂

Jumping spider (Hyllus cf. treleaveny) - DSC_5389

Hyllus cf. treleaveni Peckham & Peckham, 1902 ♀

Jumping spider (Hyllus cf. treleaveny) - DSC_5399

Hyllus cf. treleaveni Peckham & Peckham, 1902 ♀

Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_3687

Hyllus sp. ♀ 3687

Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_3719

Hyllus sp. ♀ 3719

Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_4218

Hyllus sp. ♀ 4218

Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_4229

Hyllus sp. ♀ 4229

Genus: Menemerus Simon, 1868

Jumping spider (Menemerus zimbabwensis) - DSC_4678

Menemerus zimbabwensis Wesolowska, 1999 ♂

Jumping spider (Menemerus zimbabwensis) - DSC_4682

Menemerus zimbabwensis Wesolowska, 1999 ♂

Jumping spider (Menemerus zimbabwensis) - DSC_4896

Menemerus zimbabwensis Wesolowska, 1999 ♀

Jumping spider (Menemerus zimbabwensis) - DSC_4898

Menemerus zimbabwensis Wesolowska, 1999 ♀

Genus: Mexcala Peckham & Peckham, 1902

Jumping spider (Mexcala cf. elegans) - DSC_4609

Mexcala cf. elegans Peckham & Peckham, 1903 ♂

Jumping spider (Mexcala cf. elegans) - DSC_4629

Mexcala cf. elegans Peckham & Peckham, 1903 ♂

Jumping spider (Mexcala sp.) - DSC_5782

Mexcala sp. ♂

Genus: Myrmarachne MacLeay, 1839

Ant-mimic jumping spider (Myrmarachne sp.) - DSC_5755

Myrmarachne ichneumon (Simon, 1886) ♂

Genus: Portia Karsch, 1878

Jumping spider (Portia cf. schultzi) - DSC_3809

Portia cf. schultzi Karsch, 1878 ♀

Jumping spider (Portia cf. schultzi) - DSC_3804

Portia cf. schultzi Karsch, 1878 ♀

Genus: Thyene Simon, 1885

Jumping spider (Thyene bucculenta) - DSC_3178

Thyene bucculenta (Gerstäcker, 1873) ♂

Jumping spider (Thyene bucculenta) - DSC_3198

Thyene bucculenta (Gerstäcker, 1873) ♂

Genus: Tusitala Peckham & Peckham, 1902

Jumping spiders (Tusitala sp.) - DSC_4473

Tusitala sp. ♂♀

Jumping spiders (Tusitala sp.) - DSC_4469

Tusitala sp. ♂♀

Genus: Unknown

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_2766

Salticidae ♂ 2766

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_2770

Salticidae ♂ 2770

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_2541

Salticidae ♀ 2541

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_5826

Salticidae 5826

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_4269

Salticidae 4269

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_4274

Salticidae 4274

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_5007

Salticidae 5007

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_5014

Salticidae 5014

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_5022

Salticidae 5022

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_3891

Salticidae 3891

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_6309

Salticidae 6309

Jumping spider (Salticidae) - DSC_6304

Salticidae 6304

Family: Selenopidae Simon, 1897

Genus: Selenops Latreille, 1819

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_2385

Selenops sp. ♀ 2385

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_2345b

Selenops sp. ♀ 2345

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_2724

Selenops sp. ♂ 2724

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_2731

Selenops sp. ♂ 2731

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_3036

Selenops sp. ♀ 3036

Flatty spider (Selenops sp.) - DSC_3027

Selenops sp. ♀ 3027

Family: Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872

Genus: Olios Walckenaer, 1837

Huntsman spider (Olios sp.) - DSC_3235

Olios sp. ♀

Huntsman spider (Olios sp.) - DSC_3242

Olios sp. ♀

Family: Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866

Genus: Leucauge White, 1841

Black-spotted silver marsh spider (Leucauge medjensis) - DSC_4183

Leucauge medjensis Lessert, 1930 ♀

Big-jawed spider (Leucauge medjensis) - DSC_5705

Leucauge medjensis Lessert, 1930 ♀

Genus: Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804

Big-jawed spider (Tetragnatha sp.) - DSC_5571

Tetragnatha sp. 5571

Big-jawed spider (Tetragnatha sp.) - DSC_5579

Tetragnatha sp. 5579

Big-jawed spider (Tetragnatha sp.) - DSC_2608

Tetragnatha sp. ♀ 2608

Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1870

Genus: Pterinochilus Pocock, 1897

Baboon tarantula (cf. Pterinochilus murinus) - DSC_3060

cf. Pterinochilus murinus Pocock, 1897

Baboon tarantula (cf. Pterinochilus murinus) - DSC_3048

cf. Pterinochilus murinus Pocock, 1897

Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_6084

cf. Pterinochilus murinus Pocock, 1897

Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_6131

Theraphosidae 6131

Family: Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833

Genus: Argyrodes Thorell, 1869

Drewdrop spider (Argyrodes sp.) - DSC_2998

Argyrodes sp. ♀

Genus: Meotipa Simon, 1894

Comb-footed spider (cf. Meotipa sp.) - DSC_6637

cf. Meotipa sp.

Genus: Thwaitesia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881

Read more: Transformation of the Mirror Spider

Mirror comb-footed spider (Thwaitesia sp.) - DSC_5680

Thwaitesia sp. ♀

Mirror comb-footed spider (Thwaitesia sp.) - DSC_5649

Thwaitesia sp. ♀

Genus: Tidarren Chamberlin & Ivie, 1934

Comb-footed spider (Tidarren sp.) - DSC_2175

Tidarren sp. ♀

Comb-footed spider (Tidarren sp.) - DSC_2185

Tidarren sp. ♀

Comb-footed spider's web (Tidarren sp.) - 20180525_221243x

Tidarren sp. web ♀

Genus: Unknown

Comb-footed spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_5340

Theridiidae 5340

Comb-footed spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_5343

Theridiidae 5343

Comb-footed spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_6187

Theridiidae 6187 ♀

Comb-footed spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_6155

Theridiidae 6155 ♀

Comb-footed spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_6521

Theridiidae 6521

Family: Thomisidae Sundevall,1833

Genus: Mystaria Simon, 1895

Crab spider (Mystaria savannensis) - DSC_6495

Mystaria savannensis Lewis & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2014 ♀

Crab spider (Mystaria savannensis) - DSC_6459

Mystaria savannensis Lewis & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2014 ♀

Genus: Oxytate L. Koch, 1878

Green crab spider (Oxytate argenteooculata) - DSC_6033

Oxytate argenteooculata (Simon, 1886)

Green crab spider (Oxytate argenteooculata) - DSC_6039

Oxytate argenteooculata (Simon, 1886)

Genus: Platythomisus Doleschall, 1859

Red-spotted crab spider (Platythomisus sibayius) - DSC_5254

Platythomisus sibayius Lawrence, 1968

Red-spotted crab spider (Platythomisus sibayius) - DSC_5287

Platythomisus sibayius Lawrence, 1968

Genus: Synema Simon, 1864

Crab spider (Synema mandibulare) - DSC_6216

Synema mandibulare Dahl, 1907

Crab spider (Synema mandibulare) - DSC_6220

Synema mandibulare Dahl, 1907

Crab spider (Synema diana) - DSC_4729

Synema diana (Audouin, 1826)

Crab spider (Synema imitator) - DSC_6066

Synema imitator (Pavesi, 1883)

Genus: Thomisops Karsch, 1879

Crab spider (Thomisops pupa) - DSC_3972

Thomisops pupa Karsch, 1879 ♀

Crab spider (Thomisops pupa) - DSC_3971

Thomisops pupa Karsch, 1879 ♀

Genus: Thomisus Walckenaer, 1805

Hairy crab spider (Thomisus spiculosus) - DSC_5490

Thomisus spiculosus Pocock, 1901 ♀

Hairy crab spider (Thomisus granulatus) - DSC_5501

Thomisus spiculosus Pocock, 1901 ♀

Crab spider (Thomisus citrinellus) - DSC_2648

Thomisus citrinellus Simon, 1875 ♀

Crab spider (Thomisus citrinellus) - DSC_2668

Thomisus citrinellus Simon, 1875 ♀

Crab spider (Thomisus daradioides) - DSC_6316

Thomisus daradioides Simon, 1890 ♀

Crab spider (Thomisus daradioides) - DSC_6332

Thomisus daradioides Simon, 1890 ♀

Family: Uloboridae Thorell, 1869

Feather-legged spider (Uloboridae) - DSC_2549


Feather-legged spider (Uloboridae) - DSC_2556


Family: Unknown

Mygalomorphae - DSC_6104

Mygalomorphae 6104

Mygalomorphae - DSC_6108

Mygalomorphae 6108

Order: Ixodida Leach, 1815

Family: Ixodidae C. L. Koch, 1844

Ticks (Ixodida) - DSC_2685


Tick (Ixodidae) - DSC_2688


Ticks (Ixodidae) - DSC_6348


Order: Scorpiones C. L. Koch, 1837

Family: Hemiscorpiidae

Genus: Opisthacanthus Peters, 1861

Black scorpion (Scorpiones) - DSC_3080

cf. Opisthacanthus sp.

Black scorpion (Scorpiones) - DSC_3024

cf. Opisthacanthus sp.

Order: Solifugae Sundevall, 1833

Camel spider (Solifugae) - DSC_3012


Wind scorpion (Solifugae) - DSC_4913


Family: Solpugidae Leach, 1815

Genus: Solpuga Lichtenstein, 1796

Camel spider (Solifugae) - DSC_4375

Solpuga sp.

Camel spider (Solpuga sp.) - DSC_5419

Solpuga sp.

Subphylum: Hexapoda Latreille, 1825

Class: Insecta Linnaeus, 1758

Order: Blattodea Wattenwyl, 1882

Family: Blaberidae Saussure, 1864

Subfamily: Perisphaerinae Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865

Cockroach - DSC_4384


Cockroach (Perisphaerinae) - DSC_6376


Genus: Derocalymma Burmeister, 1838

Cockroach (Derocalymma sp.) - DSC_2800

Derocalymma sp. ♂

Cockroach (Derocalymma sp.) - DSC_2813

Derocalymma sp. ♂

Order: Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Attelabidae Billberg, 1820

Leaf-rolling weevil (Parapoderus cf. nigripennis) - DSC_6120

Parapoderus cf. nigripennis Voss,1926

Family: Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802

Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae) - DSC_2678


Family: Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802

Genus: Aspidimorpha Hope, 1840

Golden tortoise beetle (Aspidimorpha cf. ertli) - DSC_2776

Aspidimorpha cf. ertli Spaeth, 1906

Family: Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807

Genus: Epilachna Dejean, 1837

Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) - DSC_5291

Epilachna gr. dregei

Family: Curculionidae Latreille, 1802

Weevils (Curculionidae) - DSC_6198


Weevils (Curculionidae) - DSC_6207


Family: Lycidae Laporte, 1836

Genus: Lycus Fabricius, 1787

Net-winged beetle (Lycus cf. constrictus) - DSC_2944

Lycus cf. constrictus

Family: Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810

Blister beetle (Hycleus cf. bifasciatus / cf. Mylabris bifasciata) - DSC_5214

Hycleus cf. bifasciatus (Olivier, 1795)

Family: Ptilodactylidae Laporte, 1836

Genus: Ptilodactyla Illiger, 1807

Toe-winged beetle (cf. Ptilodactyla) - DSC_5347

cf. Ptilodactyla sp.

Family: Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802

Genus: Garreta Janssens, 1940

Dung beetle (Garreta nitens) - DSC_3362

Garreta nitens (Olivier, 1789)

Family: Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802

Genus: Endustomus Bręme, 1846

Seedpod beetle (Endustomus sp.) - DSC_2147

Endustomus sp.

Genus: Himatismus Erichson, 1843

Darkling beetle (Himatismus sp.) - DSC_2190

Himatismus sp.

Genus: Psammodes Kirby, 1819

Darkling beetle? (Tenebrionidae) - DSC_2977

Psammodes sp.

Genus: Unknown

Darkling beetle (Lagriini) - DSC_5344


Darkling beetle (Tenebrionidae) - DSC_3282

Sepidiiini, cf. Dichtha sp.

Order: Diptera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Asilidae Latreille 1802

Robberfly (Asilidae) - DSC_5882


Family: Culicidae Meigen, 1818

Mosquito (Culicomorpha) - DSC_6078


Family: Diopsidae Bilberg, 1820

Stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae) - DSC_3501


Stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae) - DSC_3514


Family: Syrphidae Latreille, 1802

Hoverfly (Syrphidae) - DSC_4392

Syrphidae 4392

Hoverfly (Syrphidae) - DSC_5549

Syrphidae 5549

Order: Hemiptera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Issidae Spinola, 1839

Planthopper (Issidae) - DSC_5820


Family: Lophopidae Stål, 1866

Planthopper (Lophopidae) - DSC_3353


Planthopper (Lophopidae) - DSC_3884


Family: Membracidae Rafinesque, 1815

Treehopper (Membracidae) - DSC_6055


Treehopper (Membracidae) - DSC_6062


Family: Monophlebidae Signoret, 1875

Scale insect (Monophlebidae) - DSC_6052


Scale insect (Monophlebidae) - DSC_6043


Order: Hymenoptera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Apidae Linnaeus, 1758

Honey bee (Apis sp.) - DSC_6278

Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Formicidae Latreille, 1809

Ant (Paltpothyreus cf. tarsatus) - DSC_3017

Paltothyreus cf. tarsatus (Fabricius, 1798)

Family: Mutillidae André, 1907

Velvet ant (Mutillidae) - DSC_2266


Family: Pompilidae Latreille, 1805

Spider wasp (Pompilidae) - DSC_4142


Order: Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758

Caterpillar - DSC_3830

Lepidoptera 3830

Caterpillar - DSC_3838

Lepidoptera 3838

Moth - DSC_4478

Lepidoptera 4478

Moth (Amerila sp.) - DSC_5806

Amerila sp.

Order: Mantodea Burmeister, 1838

Family: Sibyllidae Giglio-Tos, 1919

Cryptic mantis nymph (Sibylla pretiosa) - DSC_3471

Sibylla pretiosa Stal, 1856 (Juv)

Cryptic mantis nymph (Sibylla pretiosa) - DSC_3464

Sibylla pretiosa Stal, 1856 (Juv)

Order: Neuroptera Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Ascalaphidae Rambur, 1842

Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_5375

Ascalaphidae (Juv)

Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_6568

Ascalaphidae (Juv)

Order: Odonata Fabricius, 1793

Infraorder: Anisoptera Selys, 1854

Family: Libellulidae Rambur, 1842

Dragonfly (Crocothemis erythraea) - DSC_4504

Crocothemis erythraea (Brullé, 1832)

Dragonfly (Urothemis edwardsii) - DSC_4547

Urothemis edwardsii (Selys, 1849)

Order: Orthoptera Latreille, 1793

Suborder: Caelifera Ander, 1939

Grasshopper - DSC_2373

Caelifera 2373

Grasshopper - DSC_2627

Caelifera 2627

Grasshopper - DSC_3340

Caelifera 3340

Grasshopper (Caelifera) - DSC_5585

Caelifera 5585

Suborder: Ensifera Lesson, 1843

Family: Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902

Armored katydid nymph (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_5171

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853)

Armored katydid nymph (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_5177

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853)

Armored katydid nymph (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_5202

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853) under UV

Armored katydid (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_5561

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853)

Armored katydid (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_6431

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853)

Armored katydid (Enyaliopsis petersi) - DSC_6241

Enyaliopsis petersi (Shaum, 1853)

Ant-mimic katydid nymph (Eurycorypha sp.) - DSC_6144

Eurycorypha sp.

Subphylum: Myriapoda Latreille, 1802

Class: Diplopoda De Blainville in Gervais, 1844

Millipede (Diplopoda) - DSC_6054


Phylum: Chordata Haeckel, 1874

Class: Amphibia Gray 1825

Frog - DSC_2170

Frog 2170

Frog in tree trunk - DSC_2244

Frog 2244

Green reed frog (Hyperoliidae) - DSC_2257


Frog - DSC_5383

Frog 5383

Class: Ave Linnaeus, 1758

Order: Accipitriformes Vieillot, 1816

Family: Accipitridae Vieillot, 1816

African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) - DSC_5436

Haliaeetus vocifer (Daudin, 1800)

Order: Ciconiiformes Bonaparte, 1854

Family: Ciconiidae J. E. Gray, 1840

Saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) - DSC_5439

Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis (Shaw, 1800)

Yellow-billed stork (Mycteria ibis) - DSC_6583

Mycteria ibis (Linnaeus, 1766)

Order: Pelecaniformes Sharpe, 1891

Family: Pelecanidae Rafinesque, 1815

Pink-backed pelican (Pelecanus rufescens) - DSC_6612

Pelecanus rufescens Gmelin, 1789

Pink-backed pelican (Pelecanus rufescens) - DSC_6601

Pelecanus rufescens Gmelin, 1789

Class: Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758

Order: Artiodactyla Owen, 1848

Family: Bovidae Gray, 1821

Impala (Aepyceros melampus) - DSC_3741

Aepyceros melampus (Lichtenstein, 1812) ♀ ♂

Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) - DSC_5447

Kobus ellipsiprymnus (Ogilby, 1833) ♂

Family: Canidae G. Fischer de Waldheim, 1817

African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus) - DSC_5469

Lycaon pictus (Temminck, 1820)

Family: Suidae Gray, 1821

Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) - DSC_3762

Phacochoerus africanus (Gmelin, 1788)

Order: Primates Linnaeus, 1758

Family: Cercopithecidae Gray, 1821

Baboons (Papio sp.) - DSC_5749

Papio sp.

Class: Reptilia Laurenti, 1768

Order: Squamata Oppel, 1811

Family: Colubridae Oppel, 1811

Savannah vine snake (Thelotornis capensis) - 20180522_163753x

Thelotornis capensis A. Smith, 1849

Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) - DSC_5727

Dispholidus typus (A. Smith, 1828)

Family: Leptotyphlopidae Stejneger, 1892

Peter's thread snake (Leptotyphlops scutifrons) - DSC_5687

Leptotyphlops scutifrons (Peters, 1854)


Flat slug - DSC_2197


Leafminers - DSC_3487

Leaf miners




Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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All images © 2008-2025 Nicky Bay unless stated otherwise. Reproduction of any content without permission is prohibited. Please read the Image Use Policy and contact [email protected] for licensing requests.

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