Khao Yai National Park – Day 1
We were considering many places for our next macro trip, from various parks in Borneo to Thailand, and even Australia. Eventually, we settled on Thailand and even paid our friend Ruangyot a visit. 🙂 5D4N of macro madness… what will we find?
Behind the scenes shots from Melvyn’s Sony TX5, Nicky’s Galaxy SII, David’s LX5.
- Not enough sleep.. got up early to catch the morning flight to Bangkok!
- David and Melvyn on the plane. Where’s Ben?
- Arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Sawadee krup!
- Waiting for our taxi outside the airport
- Inside the taxi. The driver was Mr Cherm, skinny with a full head of white hair!
- A simple Thai meal for lunch
- Somehow this bag of potato chips looked like it was labelled “tuna”
- Our target – Lantern Bugs! This was displayed at the national park’s canteen.
- Wasted no time on arrival to shoot the lantern bugs
- One of our biggest goals (as always) was to find the local lantern bugs. Lady luck was on our side. 🙂
- This beautiful lantern bug (Pyrops candelarius?) has a red/orange snout and is extremely long!
- Turned around to face me, first time shooting from the front!
- Started to move away!
- Ben started shooting this pretty pair standing beside each other
- I just took record shots 😛
- And then there were more!
- On your mark, get set… chiong ah!!!!
- A bigger groupie on another tree
- Tried to take a shot from the bottom but it was a pain with a cropped 180mm (too far away)
- Must be a delicious tree
- Final shot before saying good bye to the beauties
- Group photo with Ruangyot who checked out the lantern bugs for us before arrival
- Having a drink before we proceed with our macro-marathon!
- Arrived at our cabin, as Mr Cherm went back to his mini-bus
- At the cabin, the bedsheets had the park’s insignia
- Panoramic view of one of our rooms, taken by Melvyn
- Canteen food stalls where we had our dinner and breakfast. No time for lunch!
- At the canteen. Ben had to buy a leather hat for reasons unknown to us!
- We requested for a kettle to boil water and got a nice electric kettle from the park ranger!
- Asking for directions, and got warned of leeches, just to see a leech wiggle past us!
- Our cabin had no indoor common room, just a balcony where we set up a flimsy light trap to attract some visitors
- Found this ultra bizarre bug behind the light trap!!!
- Moth with bright orange stripes
- Close up headshot
- Another view
- Top view record shot
- Odd looking bug on our table
- A dung beetle that looked like a Mini Rhino Beetle, very cute horn!
- We had our curtain set up, and had many moths and bugs landing on it. This odd-looking moth had an abdomen perched upright
- More unidentified bugs
- Mayfly?
- Another pretty looking moth
- Funny looking Mayfly with “cupcakes” on it’s head
- Side view of the “cupcake” Mayfly on the table
- Soldierfly?
- Red-nosed planthopper, we called it the Rudolf!
- Rudolf has a beautiful face
- Full side profile of Rudolf
- Beetle’s closeup. Had the Raynox on and lazy to remove again
- Another view of the beetle
- One of the many big moths
- Would be interesting to see the antenna spread open
- Yellow-green Huntsman Spider
- Cockroach, freshly molted?
- A very shy stick insect
- A pair of mating assassin bugs
- Lynx Spider. The thing about Thailand is.. we found so many variants of the Lynx spider! More in the days to come…
- Full front view of the Lynx Spider
- View from above reveals light brown with a hint of blue
- It was a short walk, and we ended back at the balcony again. Here’s another Mayfly
- Found this funky looking moth under the table
- Front view
- Assassin bug lighted from behind

Spent some time at the balcony where it was buzzing with bugs and monkeys. We had some interesting visitors on this first night alone!

Finally got our butts moving, and did our first night walk from behind our cabin. Within a few meters, we spotted leeches crawling up David’s legs. After a brief moment of frenzy-flicking, we armed ourselves with DEET and marched on.

[ Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 ]
The complete album can be viewed here.