An Intimate Millipede Moment
Found a lot of Yellow-Spotted Millipedes (
Anoplodesmus sp.) on the ground while searching for butterflies, and noticed this pair having an intimate moment. At first, I thought they were centipedes. But on closer inspection, it would resemble a millipede once the extraneous yellow protrusions were not there.
Ok more sex education in this blog entry… so that you would understand what’s going on in the pictures. 😛 The male millipede’s sexual organs are called “gonopods”, located three segments begind the head. When mating, the male will transfer a hard sperm package called a spermatorphore into the female spermathecae.

#1 Mmmm… stealing a kiss! lol

#2 Trying to get into position. The female was running around but once the male tried to mount her, she stopped moving and allowed him to do his work!

#3 Front view. Female looks a bit shy here.

#4 Moving around. They didn’t keep still at all, got a lot of blur pictures because of that.

#5 Closer view of the front

#6 Getting impatient.. when are they really doing it???

#7 Decided to do face-hugging instead? Looks like a wrestling match!
The complete album can be
viewed here.