This is a general glossary of terms commonly used in entomology and arachnology.

- abbreviate(adjective) Of an organ or member: markedly or unexpectedly short in proportion to the rest of the body
- abdomenBody of the insect, toward the posterior of the thorax.
- abdominal feetSee proleg
- AcalyptrataSee Acalyptratae
- acanthusthorn-like projection, typically a single-celled cuticular growth without tormogen (socket) or sensory cells.[1]
- acaricideA chemical employed to kill and control mites and ticks.
- acariphagousfeeding on mites (also refers to parasitoids of mites).
- accessory glandAny secondary gland of the glandular system.
- accessory pulsatile organsSmall muscular pumps and the veins that accompany them that pump hemolymph into the wings.
- acetyl cholineAlternative spelling of "acetylcholine".
- acrostichal bristlesThe two rows of hairs or bristles lying one on either side of the mid-line of the thorax of a true fly.
- active spaceThe space within which the concentration of a pheromone or other behaviorally active substance is concentrated enough to generate the required response, remembering that like light and sound pheromones become more dilute the further they radiate out from their source.
- aculeate(Hymenoptera) Any member of a group of families that include the familiar stinging ants, bees, and social and hunting wasp.
- acuminateTapering to a long point.
- acylureaA class of insect growth regulators.
- adecticousOf pupa: the state in which the pupa does not possess movable mandibles, the opposite being decticous.
- adipocytesA major cell type of insects that stores fat body and reserves nutrients.
- admarginal(adjective): Along the margin.
- aedeagusThe sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination. Its shape is often important in separating closely related species.
- AERAnterior eye row of a spider
- aestivationSummer dormancy, entered into when conditions are unfavourable for active life i.e. it is too hot or too dry.
- age polyethismThe regular changing of roles of colony members as they get older.
- air sacA dilated portion of a trachea.
- alar squamaThe middle of three flap-like outgrowths at the base of the wing in various flies.
- alary musclesMuscles along the dorsal diaphragm that may drive circulation.
- alataThe parthenogenetic winged morph of vividae, specialized for migration.
- AlateWinged reproductive caste from a social insect colony in its winged form.
- alateWinged; having wings.
- aldrinaldrin A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though its phytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the related Dieldrin, Endri
- ALEAnterior lateral eyes of a spider
- algophagyFeeding on algae.
- alitrunkName given to the thorax and propodeum of 'wasp-waisted' hymenopterans.
- AlloparentingWhen individuals other than the parent assist in the caring for that parents offspring. Alloparenting takes many forms, including castes in social insects raising the offspring of reproductives, and slave ant workers feeding the larvae of the slaver species.
- allopatricTwo or more forms of a species having essentially separate distributions.
- alternating generationsWhen two generations are produced within a life cycle each producing individuals of only one sex, either male first and then female or vice versa.
- altruisticSelf-destructive. or potentially self-destructive behavior performed for the benefit of others.
- alulaA broad lobe at the proximal posterior margin of the wing stalk of Diptera. Also termed the axillary lobe.
- ambrosiaThe fungus cultivated by wood-boring beetles of the family Scolytidae.
- AMEAnterior median eyes of a spider
- ametabolaHexapods which develop without metamorphosis; namely the Protura, Thysanura, and Collembola.
- amideCompound derived from carboxylic acids by replacing the hydroxyl of the -COOH by the amino group, -NH2-.
- amineAn organic compound containing nitrogen, derived from ammonia, NH3, by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by as many hydrocarbon radicals.
- amino acidOrganic compounds that contain the amino (NH2) group and the carboxyl (COOH) group. Amino acids are the "building stones" of proteins.
- ammoniaA colorless alkaline gas, NH3, soluble in water.
- analPertaining to last abdominal segment which bears the anus.
- anal angleThe posterior corner of the wing (same as tornus).
- anal foldA fold in the inner margin of the hindwing.
- anal valvesExposed claspers at the end of the abdomen.
- anaplasmosisInfection with Anaplasma, a genus of Sporozoa that infests red blood cells.
- anasa wiltA wilt disease of cucurbits caused solely by the feeding of the squash bug, no parasitic microorganism involved.
- androconia(singula = Androconium) In male butterflies, specialised wing scales (often called scent scales) possessing special glands which produce a chemical attractive to females.
- androconiumSpecialised microscopic scales on the wings of male butterflies, believed to be scent scales for attracting the female. Plural: androconia
- anemicDeficient in blood quantity or quality.
- annulateFormed in ring-like segments or with ring-like markings.
- anteclypeusthe lower (anterior) portion of the clypeus of insects.
- antennaeThe long feelers situated on the head and close to the eyes. They are however not tactile but used for detecting airborne scents and currents.In Papilionoidea the antennae end in bulging tips called clubs.In Hesperioidea they have hooked tips and the club is found just before the tip.In some(...)
- antennationTouching with the antenna.
- antenniferousBearing antennae, as in "antenniferous tubercle".
- antennomereA segment of an antenna. The term antennomere is used in particular when the segments are fairly uniform, as in filiform antennae, but it also may be used in referring to segments of odd sizes, shapes and functions, such as the scape and pedicel. More specific terms may be used where there are(...)
- antenodal veinsSmall cross-veins at the front of the dragonfly or damselfly wing, between the wing base and the nodus.
- anteriorin front of or after the aforementioned structure.
- anthophagyfeeding on flowers.
- antibiosisAn association between two or more organisms that is detrimental to one or more of them.
- anticoagulinA substance antagonistic to the coagulation of blood.
- anusThe posterior opening of the digestive tract.
- apexThe anterior corner of the wing.
- aphidophagyfeeding on aphids (and parasitoids of aphids).
- apical cellThe first posterior cell in the wing of Diptera. It is the space between the third and fourth longitudinal vein beyond the anterior crossvein (R5).
- apitherapyMedicinal use of the honey bee or its products.
- arculusA crossvein between the radius and cubitus near the base of the wing in certain insects.
- areolaA small ring of colorIn crayfish, the hourglass pattern on the dorsal surface of the cephalothorax
- aroliumA pad-like median lobe between the tarsal claws.
- BasalTowards the base of a leg, a palp, or a spinneret, or an outgrowth; nearer the body (opposite of apical). May be used for secondary appendages like apophyses on appendages like the embolus.
- basal streak(Noctuidae) also basal dash — a typically short and broad line at the mid-basal area of the forewing of noctuid moths
- baseRegion close to the point of attachment to the thorax.
- brandRaised area on the wing surface, circular, ovate, or elongated, which is covered with special scent scales or androconia, found in males of some species. Also called sex mark.
- bryophagyfeeding on moss.
- CalamistrumA row of curved hairs on metatarsus IV that is used to comb silk from a cribellum.
- capitateMainly referring to antennae, but occasionally to other anatomical features such as palps: having a clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem, but with an abruptly bulkier, thicker, possibly globular distal head, the capitulum. The term capitate is not strictly distinguished from(...)
- capitulumThe head of a capitate structure, such as a capitate antenna, or of a capitate haltere
- CarapaceDorsal plate covering the cephalothorax.
- carinaa keel-like elevation (or ridge) on the body-wall of an insect.
- carpophagyfeeding on fruits and seeds.
- catenulateMarkings consisting of rings connected together like a chain.
- cellThe central area surrounded by veins. It can be closed by veins or open.The vein forming the boundary of the cell along the costal margin is known as the subcostal vein q.v.The vein forming the lower boundary towards the dorsum is called the median vein.In the case of butterflies, the cell is(...)
- cell cupTaxonomically important term used in Diptera identification keys. Part of the schema of wing venation. Also called the posterior cubital cell and often called the anal cell. see File:Phytomyzinae wing veins-1.svg
- central shadeTaxonomically important term used in moth description. It is a transverse band in the median area of the wing.
- cervix(Anatomical feature) the structure defining the neck of the insect.
- chaetaSee Seta.
- chaetosemapatch of sensory bristles.
- chalazaAn external spine that has a single point. Etymology: Greek chalasa, a tubercle. cf. scolus, which has multiple points.
- CheliceraJaw; comprises a large basal segment and an apical and readily moveable fang.
- chetaSee Seta.
- ciliaFine hairs along the edges of the wing.
- clasperA structure in male insects that is used to hold the female during copulation.
- clavaSame as clavus.
- clavateMainly referring to antennae, but occasionally to other anatomical features such as palps: having a clubbed shape with a relatively long, slender stem, but with a bulkier, thicker distal end, the clava. The term clavate is not strictly distinguished from capitate, but in general, where a(...)
- claviform stigmaspecifically, in Noctuidae (moths)- an elongate spot or mark extending from the anterior transverse anterior line through the submedian interspace, toward and sometimes to the posterior transverse line
- clavolaSame as clavus or club
- clavusThe thicker distal end of a clavate anatomical structure such as an antenna. Usually comprising more than one joint. Also called clava, clavola, or clubThe posterior of the portion of the remigium found on insect wings.The oblong sclerite at the base of the inferior margin of the hemelytron in(...)
- clubThe popular (possibly to be preferred) name for the clavus of a clavate antenna.
- ClypeusSpiders: Area between the anterior edge of the carapace and the anterior eyes. Insects: Area between antennal sockets and labrum.
- coccidophagyfeeding on scale insects (and parasitoids of scale insects).
- compound eyeAn eye consisting of a large number of individual photoreceptor units or ommatidia (ommatidium, singular).Figure 2 d below
- connexivum(largely in Heteroptera and similarly dorsoventrally flattened insects) the edge of the abdomen, containing the connection between the tergite and sternite. May be visible from above in species such as many of the Reduviidae. Plural: connexiva
- copromycetophagyinhabiting feces and consuming mycetes growing inside or cultivating them for feeding.
- coprophagyfeeding on the excrements of animals.
- coronal suture(Anatomical feature) an anterior suture line of the head between the compound eyes, below the median ocellus.
- costaThe leading edge of the wing.
- costal breakTaxonomically important term used in Diptera identification keys. Part of the schema of wing venation. weakenings of the costa (one to three in number). They are flexing points for the wings during flight
- costal foldA fold in the leading edge of the forewing of Lepidoptera, containing androconia.
- coxafirst leg segment, between body and trochanter.
- cremasterA general term for a structure by which an object hangs (from Greek language kremastos, meaning "hung up"); for example in entomology: in some Lepidoptera, including most butterflies, the pupa attaches to a surface by the cremaster, a structure at the tip of the pupal abdomen. The cremaster is(...)
- crenulateAdjective = scalloped. Describes the outer edge of a wing that is convex at the end of each vein and concave in between.
- cuneusNoun = wedge. Particularly in mirid bugs, a wedge-shaped section of the hemelytra (forewings), located at the apex of the thick, leathery part of the wings.
- DealateAdult insect that shed or lost its wings.
- decticousFunctional mandibles present in pupal state.
- dendrophagyfeeding on trees.
- dentateAs for crenulate but with the projections at the end of each wing being toothlike.
- detritophagyfeeding on ground remains of plants and animals.
- dieldrindieldrin A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. cf. the related Aldrin, End
- discThe central band passing through the cell.
- discoidal cellIn damselflies (Zygoptera) a basal quadrangular cell in the wing venation, which is delimited by veins MA (anterior side), MP (posterior side), MAb (distal side) and the arculus (basal side).
- DistalTowards the terminal segment of a leg, a palp, or a spinneret, away from the body (opposite of basal).
- dorsumThe trailing edge or hind-margin of the wing, extending from the base to the tornus. Dorsal alternately, also refers to the back, i.e. the upper part of the body, from above.
- ectognathous(Anatomical feature) having exterior mouthparts, or exposed. A defining feature of insects.
- elytron(Anatomical feature) the modified, hardened forewing of certain insect orders, notably beetles (Coleoptera) and some of the true bugs (Hemiptera).
- emarginate(Anatomical feature) Describing a margin, such as the edge of an eye or sclerite, where the outline includes a concave section as if a part of the region had been "cut out" or displaced. It might take the form of a notch, or a rounded or possibly quadrate hollow, such as where a compound eye(...)
- empodium(Anatomical feature) either a bristle-like or pad-like structure between the tarsal claws of various insects, notably Diptera.
- encapsulationthe immuno response by plasmatocytes to the presence of parasitoid egg or larvae which results in the formation of a multilayered capsule that causes the parasitoid to sufficate or starve.
- EndrinEndrin A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though its phytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the related Dieldrin, Aldri
- entomonecrophagyfeeding on dead arthropods.
- entomophagyfeeding on other insects.
- epicranius(Anatomical feature) the top of the anterior structure of the head, or forehead.
- epiproct(Anatomical feature) a plate or projection dorsal to the anus in certain insects, generally on abdominal segment X or XI. For example in Archaeognatha, Zygentoma and Ephemeroptera, it takes the form of a long, rearwardly directed caudal filament resembling the two cerci that flank it. In the(...)
- erectThe palpi when vertical, i.e. the axis of the palpi is at right angles to the axis of the body.
- exaratePupae with their legs and other appendages free and extended.
- eyespotsSpots or other patterns resembling vertebrate eyes on the skin, such as on larvae of some Sphingidae or the wings of moths such as many Saturniidae. Such eyespots have no visual function, but act variously to misdirect or discourage attacks from predators.Simple eyes such as ocelli or stemmata
- facethe area between the base of antennae, oral margin, eyes and cheeks (gena).
- fasciaA color pattern with a broad band. Plural: fasciae
- femurthird leg segment, between trochanter and tibia.
- flagellomerean antennomere comprising part of the flagellum.
- flagellumthe part of the antenna distal to the pedicel composed of one or more segments, called flagellomeres.
- foramen magnum(Anatomical feature) the posterior opening of the head capsule, covered by the cervix.
- forewing(Anatomical feature) the pair of wings of a four-winged insect closest to the head.
- frons(Anatomical feature) The frontal area of an insect's head. It covers the upper part of the face above the clypeus and below and between the antennae. It supports the pharyngeal dilator muscles and usually bears an ocellus.
- frontal sutures(Anatomical feature) suture lines that meet with the coroanl sutures to form an inverted Y.
- gena(Anatomical feature) the area below the compound eyes, the insect equivalent to human cheeks.
- geniculateElbowed. From the Latin for a bended knee, referring to an organ of a type not always expected to be kinked, but having a definite angular bend or hinge. In entomology the term typically refers to an elbowed antenna. For instance, many species of Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera have(...)
- girdlea strand of silk used to prop up the pupa. Found especially in the Papilionidae.
- glabroussmooth, without hairs or scales.
- gulaventral head sclerite which supports the submentum
- helminthophagyfeeding on worms classified with helminths (including parasitoids of helminths).
- hemocoelthe interior of the insects anatomy, including all organs and hemocyte.
- hemocytea fluid in the circulatory system of insects containing nutrients, fat, water, etc.
- hemophagyfeeding on blood.
- herbiphagyfeeding on herbaceous plants.
- hindwing(Anatomical feature) the pair of wings of a four-winged insect farthest from the head.
- hyalinetransparent, like glass.
- hygropetricmode of life: living in the thin film of water on wet rocks.
- hypognathoushaving mouthparts that are ventrad of a vertically oriented head, "pointing downwards", or having an "under bit", instead of pointing backwards or forwards.
- hypopharynxMouthpart. A tonguelike lobe on the floor of the mouth.
- idiobionta form of parasitism where the parasitoid paralyzes or leaves the host unable to continue development at oviposition.
- imago(plural is usually imagines) The final, or adult, stage in metamorphosis.
- incrassatelocalised thickening of a member such as an antenna or leg.
- interspaceThe region between adjacent veins.
- iridescentPhenomenon of certain surfaces that appear gradually to change colour as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes.
- irroratedOld term used usually to indicate a sprinkling of scales interspersed among scales typically of a different color.
- IsodrinIsodrin A synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, toxic to vertebrates. Though its phytotoxicity is low, solvents in some formulations may damage certain crops. cf. the related Dieldrin, A
- keratophagyfeeding on cornified tissues and hair of animals.
- koinobiontA form of parasitoidy where the parasitoid lives inside the host while allowing it to live after oviposition.
- labiumMouthpart forming the lower lip. Bears the labial palps.
- labrum(Anatomical feature) the anterior structure below the clypeus covering some of the mouthparts, sometimes called the "upper lip".
- lichenophagyfeeding on lichens.
- lines of weakness(Anatomical feature) the suture lines where the integument will split to allow for molting or autotomy.
- lunuleA body area or marking roughly in the shape of a crescent.
- macrochaetelarge bristles and scales.[3]
- macropterousHaving long or large elytra, as long, or longer than the abdomen.
- MacrosetaA relatively long hair or bristle. Plural: metasetae
- malacophagyfeeding on mollusks (and parasitoids of mollusks).
- maxillaMouthpart. The maxillae are paired and arranged behind the mandibles. May bear palps.
- membranulea small triangular opaque region at the base of the hindwing in some dragonflies.
- mesothoraxthe middle segment of the thorax, between the prothorax and the metathorax.
- metalmarkssmall metallic-looking spots commonly found on the wings of Riodinidae.
- MetatarsusThe second last segment of the leg.
- metathoraxThe third and last segment of the thorax after the mesothorax.
- micropterousHaving short elytra, shorter than the abdomen.
- mixomycetophagyfeeding on myxomycetes slime molds.
- mycetophagyfeeding on fungus.
- myiasisInfestation of fly larvae on or in a vertebrate host.
- necrophagyconsuming of dead animals and their remains.
- nervureOlder term for vein. adnervural refers to instance lines running adjacent and alongside the veins.
- nodus(of Odonata ) A prominent cross-vein near the center of the leading edge of a wing. Also called "node".
- obtectAppendages fused or glued to the body.
- occipital suture(Anatomical feature) the structure that defines the occiput.
- occiput(Anatomical feature) the region posterior to the vertex on the head.
- ocular structure(Anatomical feature) the structure of the head containing the ocelli.
- onisciformA woodlouse shaped, flattened platyform appearance of a larva.[4]
- oophagyfeeding on eggs.
- opisthognathouswith receding mouthparts, or having mouthparts that slope backward or face backward.
- OpisthosomaPosterior part of the body in some arthropods, behind the prosoma.
- orbicular stigmaa marking placed between the reniform stigma and the thorax, usually circular in shape.
- osmeteriumfleshy structure on some larvae, often discharging odorous chemicals.
- ovipositionthe act of laying eggs.
- ovipositorstructure by which many insects place their eggs, sometimes by piercing or slitting the host or substrate in which she lays the eggs. The structure may be tubular and may have valves.
- oviscapeif part of the ovipositor is visible when not in action, then the basal visible portion, typically tubular, is the oviscape. For examples, see females of many Tephritidae and Pyrgotidae (cf scape).
- ozadenea stink gland or repugnatorial gland, from which an animal such as an insect or Myriapod may release a foul-smelling liquid or gas for defence
- ozoporethe opening of an ozadene, a stink gland or repugnatorial gland
- palynophagyfeeding on pollen.
- parasitoidparasite that develops attached to or within a host organism in a relationship which ultimately kills the host.
- PatellaA segment of the palp or leg (refer to leg segments and palp segments). Plural: patellae
- pedicelthe second segment ( antennomere) of the antenna.
- PedicelStalk or “waist” joining the cephalothorax and abdomen.
- pedipalpcomparatively large processes that originate from below the head and curve forward in front of the face that sometimes appear like a beak. lp on the figure right.
- PERPosterior eye row of a spider
- phloeophagyfeeding on phloem.[5][6][7]
- phyllophagyfeeding on leaves.
- phytophagyfeeding on plants.
- PLEPosterior lateral eyes of a spider
- pleuriteA sclerotised region on the lateral part of an insect segment, bearing the spiracle, and separating and connecting the tergite and the sternite (compare: pulmonarium).
- PMEPosterior median eyes of a spider
- pollinophagyfeeding on pollen.
- porrectof organs extended horizontally anterior to the head. In such organs the axis of the organs is parallel to the axis of the body.
- postclypeusthe upper (proximal) portion of the clypeus of insects.
- postdiscalThe area, or band, of the wing between the discal area and the marginal area.
- posteriorin a position behind or below the aforementioned.
- postoccipital suture(Anatomical feature) the structure posterior to the occipital suture, surrounding foramen magnum or occipital magnum.
- proboscistubular feeding and sucking organ.
- proclinateDirected or leaning forward, such as in bristles in particular locations of insects' heads.
- ProcurvedEye arrangement in which the lateral eyes are situated to the front of the median eyes; in the example here, the AER is procurved as the ALE are in a more forward position than the AME.
- prognathoushaving mouth parts extended forward of the head, in contrast to opisthognathous and hypognathous.
- prolegfleshy leg like structures arising from the abdominal segments of caterpillars. These prolegs have crochets or curved hooks.
- prothoraxThe first segment on the thorax anterior to the mesothorax.
- pterostigmaThe prominent cell, usually opaque and coloured, near the tip of each wing of the Odonata, on the anterior margin; also, more loosely, called stigma. Plural: pterostigmata
- pterothoraxThe meso- and metathorax of winged insects, that carries the two pairs of wings.
- pulmonariumA membranous instead of a sclerotised connection or pleurite between the abdominal tergites and sternites of certain groups of insects; in such species the pulmonaria bear the spiracles. The term also refers to an abdomen in which the connection between the tergal and sternal sclerites takes(...)
- RecurvedEye arrangement in which the lateral eyes are situated to the back of the median eyes in the top or front view; in this example, the PER is recurved as the PLE are in a more backward position than the PME.
- reniform stigmaan oval or kidney-shaped mark on the forewing at the disc (Lepidoptera)[8]
- repugnatorial(generally in combination as in: "repugnatorial glands"): defensive, or "fighting back", in particular as applied to an ozadene, a gland that can release irritant, poisonous, alarming or distasteful fluids or gases when an organism is under threat. Examples of repugnatorial glands include the(...)
- rhizophagyfeeding on rhizomes.
- saltatorialadapted for leaping or jumping.
- sapromycetophagyinhabiting decaying matter and consuming mycetes growing inside or cultivating them for feeding.
- saprophagyfeeding on decaying organic matter.
- sarconecrophagyfeeding on dead bodies of vertebrates.
- scapethe proximal segment ( antennomere) of the antenna.
- schisophagyfeeding on ground remains of plants and animals.
- scolusAn external spine having multiple points. Etymology: Greek skolos, a prickle. cf. chalaza. plural: scoli
- sensuLatin term meaning "in the sense of".
- sequesteringThe process of animals accumulating poisonous compounds from the food they are eating in order to become poisonous themselves for their predators. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestration refers to the sequestration of one such class of poisonous compounds.
- setaA stiff chitinous or sclerotised hair or bristle. Also chaeta, cheta
- SetaFlattened or scale-like hairs; some are thickened. Plural: setae
- setaceousbeing like or having the nature of a seta or of setaesetose
- setosebearing, or covered in setae.
- setulaDiminutive of seta. A small chitinous hair or bristle.
- setulosebearing, or covered in setulae.
- shadesee central shade
- spiracleRespiratory openings on the thorax and abdomen that allow air to enter the trachea.
- sporophagyfeeding on mycet spores.
- stigmaProminent cells on the forewings of some moths. Their size, shape and colour can be useful in identifying some species. Also the prominent cell, usually opaque and coloured, near the tip of each wing of the Odonata, on the anterior margin; also called pterostigma. Plural: stigmata
- strigaePatterns with thin lines.
- subcostaTaxonomically important term used in Diptera identification keys. Part of the schema of wing venation. The second longitudinal wing vein, posterior to the costa. It may reach the costa, fade before the costa or join R1 before it reaches the costa. see commons:File:Neminidae_wing_veins.svg (=(...)
- SubequalApproximately but not exactly equal.
- subgenal suture(Anatomical feature) suture lines below the gena.
- symplesiomorphya shared ancestral ("primitive") character state that cannot be used to demonstrate the monophyly of a group.
- synapomorphya shared homologous and derived character state (evolutionary novelty) that demonstrates the monophyly of a group (clade).
- synovigenica form of reproduction in which the female continues to produce and to mature eggs throughout its life cycle.
- tarsusfifth (last) leg segment, the part that touches the walking surface. Plural: tarsi
- termenThe edge of the wing most distant from the body.
- terminalAlong the margin.
- thoraxThe part of the body that lies between the head and the abdomen. It has three parts - prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax.
- TibiaThe tibia is the fourth (as counted from the body of the insect - coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus, claw/metatarsus) segment in the leg of an insect.
- tomentuma pubescence consisting of soft, entangled hairs pressed close to the surface of the integument.
- tornusThe posterior corner of the wing.
- trochantersecond leg segment, between coxa and femur.
- trophiThe mouthparts of Arthropoda such as insects; typically labrum, mandible, maxilla, labium.
- trophusThe singular form of trophi (rarely used).
- uncatehook-like, as in the mouthparts of many fly larvae. (also uncinate)
- uncinatehook-like, as in the mouthparts of many fly larvae. (also uncate)
- unguisthe claws at the tip of most insect pretarsi. Plural: ungues
- uritea segment or part of the abdomen in insects.
- urogomphuspaired "horns" at the posterior tip of the abdomen of larvae. Plural: urogomphi
- urotergiteplate on the dorsal (upper) surface of an abdominal segment in insects.
- valveOne of several appendages that combine to form the ovipositor of a typical female insect.
- valviferIn female Heteroptera valvifers comprise four blades, one pair on each of abdominal segments 8 and 9. They articulate with the paratergites and bear their corresponding valvulae.
- valvulaOne of four blades in a female Hemipteran with a laciniate type of ovipositor, that combine to form the ovipositing mechanism.
- veinHollow structures formed from the coupling of the upper and lower walls of the wing. They provide both rigidity and flexibility to the wing. (See also Comstock-Needham system.)
- vertex(Anatomical feature) The apex of the head, usually containing ocelli.
- villosecovered with numerous thick-set, slender projections resembling short hairs.
- workerInsects within social colonies (bees, wasps, ants, and termites) that usually do not reproduce and instead perform most of the colony's tasks.
- xylomycetophagyinhabiting wood and consuming mycetes growing in wood or cultivating them for feeding.
- xylophagyfeeding on wood.
- zoomycetophagyfeeding on fungus found on other animals.
- zoophagyfeeding on animals, and/or animal matter.