Mandai Track 15 is a popular mountain biking trail and pretty well conserved. You won’t see workers slashing the plants as they grow too dense, like in Admiralty Park. Just pure unadulterated nature. 🙂

#1 Lance spotted this female wolf spider carrying an egg sac. It was bathing in the morning sun as morning dew sparkled on it’s back

#3 St Andrew’s Cross Spider savours over it’s meal while the much smaller male awaits… for courtship? Or maybe the male brought the food for her???

#4 Tiny little spider with extremely long legs.

#5 Lots of these bright coloured bugs were resting on the leaves

#6 Odd-looking fly sticking it’s face into a tree bark

#7 Ladybird says hi! If you’ve not read my previous explanations before on why I didn’t label it as Ladybug… Ladybird for UK English, Ladybug for US English.

#8 I think the fella noticed me…

#9 Lots of gems on the tree barks!

#10 Super flat huntsman spider with a tinge of green

#12 Spotted this huge pair of mating houseflies, just took a shot as I already had many side-profile pics of this pose 😛

#13 Ant shows no respect for the spider as it scampers up and down in front of the much larger arachnoid

#14 Hasselt’s Spiny Spider enjoy’s it’s fresh catch

#15 A caged up pupae. Some said that this “cage” was created using the spiny back of the caterpillar and protects it while it transforms. A spider is spotted hiding below, waiting for a good meal.

#16 Yet another bark loving bug

#17 Better view of the bug
The complete album can be
viewed here.