
Exploring Lorong Kebasi

6 March 2011
Joined the groupie of Macrographers in an outing led by Benjamin! Most of us were misled into parking in front of the Detention Barracks, while the entrance to the trail was much nearer to the HDB estate!

I had a very slow and lethargic walk and couldn’t find much bugs, except for a number of male crab spiders. Very oddly, I could only find the males. The female crab spiders were normally more visible due to their size (usually several times larger than the male). Many would mistake the male for the kid when found together with the female! Here’s an old picture to illustrate the difference in size:

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_9089
#1 Female crab spider with prey, lots of freeloaders came by, and one got caught by the tiny male crab spider!

Here are the catches for the day, more time spent on idle talk so there weren’t too many finds. lol

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_3444#1 Here’s the tiny fella. Tried to get a brighter background using longer exposure, but it twitched each time the flash fired, leading to the black halos where the legs were moving. Remember to use rear-sync flash next time…

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_3452#2 View of it’s face, really tiny guy

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_3458#3 Another view with a brighter background

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_3493#4 Not looking too happy with my flashes all over him

Other common subjects of the day…

Dragonfly (Anisoptera) - DSC_3510#5 Dragonfly, one of the more common species I think?

Fruit Flies? - DSC_3549#6 Mating flies

And an orb weaver that was the only one that remained motionless while I tried to take multiple shots for stacking. Not sure of exact species, as I didn’t take a full view of the abdomen.

Orb Weaver Spider (Araneus sp.) - DSC_3561#7 Nocturnal, probably sleeping?

Orb Weaver Spider (Araneus sp.) - DSC_3561_3d#8 Let’s wake her up!!!!

Orb Weaver Spider (Araneus sp.) - DSC_3581#9 Closer view from above

Next subject is not as common – an ichneumon wasp? Only recognized it’s extremely long “tail”.

Ichneumon Wasp? (Ichneumonidae) - DSC_3595#10 Maybe it was trying to lay eggs… but realized that this is not a tree trunk but a leaf!

Ichneumon Wasp? (Ichneumonidae) - DSC_3597#11 Doing some gymnastics with a hand stand

Last shot of the day, was an inconspicuous caterpillar, which appeared completely black when I first saw it.

Caterpillar - DSC_3631#12 RAWR!!!

The complete album can be viewed here.



Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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