Exploring Admiralty Park again
In Admiralty Park, you don’t really need to be able to spot the bugs. Just follow the regulars and patiently wait for them to finish their shoot, and take over the spot! lol. Well, you can also learn from them as well, just make sure you share your finds when you do find something interesting!

#1 Orb Web spider doodling with it’s prey

#2 Mending it’s dew-littered web

#3 Crab spider perches in a flower and adopting the host’s colour. Unsuspecting butterflies and bees are common preys to this fierce predator

#4 Come come come! Come in, have some coffee?

#5 Yesss, come in some more, its cosier here!

#6 Mating house flies. Multiply them rain gods!

#7 Another angle with the sky as the background.

#8 Kids of the shield backed bugs, almost 1 month old. You can see their
infant pictures with mommy here.
The complete album can be
viewed here.