Endomychidae Checklist: Handsome Fungus Beetles
Handsome fungus beetles from the family Endomychidae Leach, 1815 are generally recognized by the presence of two longitudinal sulci (groove) or sublateral lines on the pronotum with some exceptions, and the presence of frontoclypeal suture (transverse groove across the face).
Why handsome? Could not find any literature on the etymology behind the family’s name.
This page consists of a personal checklist of all Handsome Fungus Beetles (Endomychidae) that I’ve encountered over the years. Most were identified with the help from the kind folks on Flickr and Facebook, especially Boris Büche and David Ball.
All photos are of live subjects shot in the field, with the dorsal view selected where available. Click on individual photos for larger views and views from other angles. As specimens were not collected, identifications were done purely based on photographs and may not be 100% accurate.
This page will be updated regularly, please let me know if you spot any mistakes.
View my complete Flickr photo set: Endomychidae – Handsome Fungus Beetles.
Region Filters
Click on any region to show only records from that region.
Asia59 Photos
- Singapore (33 Photos)
- Malaysia (9 Photos)
- West Malaysia (3 Photos)
- East Malaysia (6 Photos)
- Indonesia (8 Photos)
America4 Photos
- Peru (3 Photos)
- Ecuador (1 Photo)
Class: Insecta Linnaeus, 1758
Order: Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Endomychidae Leach, 1815
55 Photos
Singapore: Endomychidae PC181373
Singapore: Endomychidae P3132384
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Endomychidae PA189772
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Endomychidae PA189525
East Malaysia: Endomychidae P3137824
Genus: Meilichius Gerstaecker, 1857
1 Photo
West Malaysia: Meilichius cf. nigricollis Gerstaecker, 1857
Subfamily: Cyclotominae Imhoff, 1856
2 Photos
Genus: Cyclotoma
2 Photos
Singapore: Cyclotoma sumatrensis (Gorham, 1888)
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Cyclotoma sp. PA168020
Subfamily: Endomychinae Leach, 1815
5 Photos
Genus: Stenotarsus Perty, 1832
5 Photos
Singapore: Stenotarsus pardalis Gerstaecker, 1858
Singapore: Stenotarsus nobilis Gerstaecker, 1858
Singapore: Stenotarsus sp. DSC_2543
Singapore: Stenotarsus sp. P5219700
East Malaysia: Stenotarsus sp. P7084560
Subfamily: Epipocinae Gorham, 1873
2 Photos
Genus: Epopterus Chevrolat, 1836
2 Photos
Ecuador: Epopterus flavolineatus Strohecker, 1957
Peru: Epopterus sp.
Subfamily: Lycoperdininae Redtenbacher, 1844
31 Photos
Genus: Amphisternus Germar, 1843
2 Photos
Singapore: Amphisternus vomeratus Gorham, 1901
Singapore: Amphisternus sp.
Genus: Beccariola Arrow, 1943
3 Photos
East Malaysia: Beccariola coccinella Arrow, 1920
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Beccariola cf. duodecimpunctata (Arrow, 1923)
West Malaysia: Beccariola septemmaculata Pic, 1932
Genus: Cacodaemon Thomson, 1857
4 Photos
Singapore: Cacodaemon hystricosus (Gerstaecker, 1857)
East Malaysia: Cacodaemon cf. gracilis Strohecker, 1964
East Malaysia: Cacodaemon sp. P3138042
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Cacodaemon sp. PA191682
Genus: Corynomalus Chevrolat, 1836
2 Photos
Peru: Corynomalus sp.
Peru: Corynomalus sp.
Genus: Dryadites Frivaldszky, 1883
2 Photos
Singapore: Dryadites borneensis Frivaldszky, 1883
Singapore: Dryadites borneensis Frivaldszky, 1883
Genus: Eumorphus Weber, 1801
10 Photos
Singapore: Eumorphus assamensis Gerstaecker, 1857
West Malaysia: Eumorphus dilatatus Perty, 1831
Singapore: Eumorphus marginatus Fabricius, 1801
Singapore: Eumorphus quadriguttatus (Illiger, 1800)
Singapore: Eumorphus tetraspilotus Hope, 1832
Singapore: Eumorphus westwoodi Guérin-Méneville, 1858
Singapore: Eumorphus sp. PA067095
Singapore: Eumorphus sp. P1137290
Indonesia (Kalimantan): Eumorphus sp. PA189610
Indonesia (Sumatra): cf. Eumorphus sp. PB022752
Genus: Gerstaeckerus Tomaszewska, 2005
4 Photos
Singapore: Gerstaeckerus spurius Strohecker, 1971
Singapore: Gerstaeckerus sp. P7023913
Singapore: Gerstaeckerus sp. P9083221
Singapore: Gerstaeckerus sp. PB121498
Genus: Haploscelis Blanchard, 1845
1 Photo
Madagascar: Haploscelis sp.
Genus: Mycetina Mulsant, 1846
1 Photo
Singapore: Mycetina sp. P3132397
Genus: Spathomeles Gerstaecker, 1857
2 Photos
Singapore: Spathomeles cf. anaglyptus Gerstaecker, 1857
Indonesia (Kalimanta): cf. Spathomeles sp. PA179081
Subfamily: Pleganophorinae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
1 Photo
Genus: Trochoideus Westwood, 1833
1 Photo
Singapore: Trochoideus desjardinsi Guérin-Méneville, 1857
8 Photos
Singapore: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
East Malaysia: Endomychidae
Singapore: Endomychidae
Guy Laraway
stumbled across your site while on Reditt. AWESOME! You have some very interesting stuff. I bookmarked it to share with my “fraidycat” kids. Thank you for doing what you do.