Bustling Micro Life Along Bike Trails
Many bike trails rest in the midst of nature parks and reserves. What most of the bikers do not realize, is the presence of a huge trove of tiny bugs around them as they whizzed through each time.
I have explored a few bike trails before, and today’s exploration started from underneath the BKE flyover at the Dairy Farm Road exit. Biking activity was brisk, and we had to make sure we stay in the bushes in case a speeding bike ran us over. lol
The first subject looks like a Tiger Beetle from far, and a Longhorn Beetle when viewed closer. I’m still not too sure of it’s identity, but I think longhorn could be a better bet despite it’s size.

#1 Resting in the morning sun

#2 Certainly doesn’t look too happy with my intrusion

#3 It kept changing angles, expect more record shots of this little guy!

#4 A lower angle. The horns are not as long as a typical longhorn though.
Next subject is a very unique
Treehopper sporting extra long and forked horns.

#5 Indeed, the horns stretch the entire length of it’s body. Puts some longhorn beetles to shame.

#6 Another look at the horns. It was climbing about non-stop in the strong wind, so limited angles were available.
Third subject is the common
ladybird mimicking beetle (“Ladybug” is what Americans use). It has an extremely furry back, illustrated in the pictures below.

#7 Hairy body standing on hairy surface

#8 Started to turn to look at me

#9 And started walking towards me!!
Next subject is a
derbid planthopper. The face looks like that of a cicada, and keeps it’s wings open when at rest.

#10 Closeup shot of the head. As big as a cicada.

#11 Side view of the planthopper
Found some really tiny checkered beetles, only 4 to 5mm long, and extremely well camouflaged on a tree trunk.

#12 Side view of the Checkered Beetle

#13 Face shot of the cute little fella!
And the final subject of the day.. was a Fungus Weevil. It was positioned high up on a tree trunk and had a lot of us staring into the sky while hunting for it.

#14 180mm was useful in reaching the tiger beetle, but lots of stretching and leaning was required to get this.

#15 Slightly angled shot as it ran around busily.

#16 Final side view of the fungus weevil

#17 Ok I lied. Testing the background colour by shooting with an extended exposure.
The complete album can be
viewed here.