BugShot Ecuador 2022 was held from 4 to 13 June 2022, brimming with a troupe of naturalists hungry for some macro action after a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic. All of us immersed ourselves completely in the cool cloud forests and the deepest corners of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Many thanks to Kendra and John Abbott for setting up the trip, Piotr Naskrecki for his inspiration and guidance to everyone, Nancy Miorelli (SciBugs) for fixing up everything and keeping things running, Isaac for taking care of everyone’s chigger bites, Diego Prado for the never-ending enthusiasm when out hunting for bugs with us, all the staff and guides at Waita Lodge for taking care of the party and last but not least, the macro-crazy group who would froth in the mouth at the sight of a rare bug. It really is an amazing gathering of like-minded folks who find it completely normal to stick themselves into the mud while basking in a cloud of mosquitoes for the perfect bug shot.
To view all species that I’ve documented during this trip, visit BugShot Ecuador 2022 Checklist.

BugShot Ecuador 2022 Participants and Instructors with the Staff of Waita Lodge
About BugShot
BugShot is a series of macro photography workshops initiated by Alex Wild. It caters to beginners and experienced macro photographers alike and is led by a team of top macro photographers in profoundly biodiverse locations around the world to… photograph bugs. Some of the past workshops were held in Belize, Mozambique, Peru and several locations in the USA. Find out more at BugShot.net.
Guango Lodge
We spent out first day in Guango Lodge, situated in the paramo (the ecosystem of the regions above the continuous forest line but below the permanent snowline) of Papallacta, about an hour’s drive to the West from Quito. Many of us spent time with the hummingbirds while the rest checked out the amazing diversity of leafhoppers right in front of the lodge.
Find out more at GuangoLodge.com.
Waita Lodge
Nestled in the North-Eastern end of Ecuador and close to the borders with Colombia and Peru, Waita Lodge is the only community-based Amazon lodge in the Cuyabeno Reserve. This means that the lodge is built and run by the members of the local community and the motor boats used by the lodge are rented from the community. This offers a sustainable alternative to working in the oil fields.
The core of BugShot was held at Waita Lodge. We enjoyed daily wildlife boat rides before breakfast and had macro field trips and lectures throughout the day culminating with night walks until we had no energy left. Its impressive biodiversity kept us busy throughout the week!
Find out more at WaitaLodge.com.
Bellavista Lodge
Bella Vista means “beautiful sight” in Spanish and Italian. At just a 2-hour drive to the East from Quito, Bellavista Cloud Forest Lodge is a private protected area in the cloud forests of the Tandayapa Valley. It boasts a spectacular diversity of harvestmen, birds, beetles and moths and I’ve clocked over 300 observations on iNaturalist from just 2 nights and 1 day of exploring.
Find out more at BellavistaCloudForest.com.
Treehopper (Ennya sobria)
We were greeted by lots of treehoppers at the entrance of Guango Lodge and got started right away. I managed to document the adults, nymphs, mating pairs, and mothers guarding their eggs and young, but my favourite was this shot of a young one reaching adulthood and with its wings just pumped out.
Treehjopper (Heranice sp.)
This is probably the most captivating treehopper that I saw at Guango, found near the ground at the side of the trail. Jen found a spectacular treehopper right in front of the lodge that I wish I had the chance to photograph!
Tortoise beetle (Cassidini)
Also just down from the lodge, we saw a beautiful golden tortoise beetle with a dent on its elytra. Look closer and you’ll see a clutch of eggs in the dent!
Sheet weaver spider (Linyphiidae)
The most interesting spider that I shot at Guango had to be this male linyphiid with a bizarre eye arrangement where its posterior eyes stood on individual humps.
Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae spp.)
There was a good diversity of leaf beetles in the area, so here’s a little glimpse.
Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae spp.)
The area in front of the hummingbird observatory was also brimming with leafhoppers, but they were super skittish. Most would jump before we even approached with a camera. Here’s a small selection.
Hoverfly (Toxomerus sp.)
Plain subject, but a very cooperative pair!
Ladybird beetle (Neda sp.)
This was the only ladybird beetle that I saw at Guango. I had several more documented at Bellavista.
Hummingbirds (Trochilidae spp.)
In all of the past BugShots, I’ve chosen to ignore the birds. But this round, I brought along a long lens to get some documentation shots since “I’m already there”. Here are some casual shots from around the lodge. Completely new to this so I fumbled a bit with the camera settings for a bit. Spent about half an hour looking at these fluttering jewels before running off towards the bugs. 😉
Thorn orb weaver (Micrathena spp.)
Ever since my expedition to Peru in 2015, I’ve kept a checklist of all Micrathena that I’ve encountered in the Neotropics. Glad to have added 2 more species from Guango!
Onward to the Amazon
From Quito, we met up with Diego and flew to Coca where we would embark on a 2.5-hour canoe ride down the Amazon river to Cuyabeno.
Palm weevil larvae (Rhynchophorus palmarum)
At Coca, we dropped by the local market for some grilled palm weevil larvae (Chontacuros) with tapioca. It tasted nutty and the heads were crunchy. Chontacuros are a common snack with the indigenous people of Ecuador. The name is from the Kitchwa words “curo” which means worm and “chonta” which is the name of the palm tree where these larvae are found. After the snack, I had a cup of chicha de chonta, also known as fermented chonta palm beer. 🙂
Canoe ride to Waita Lodge
We were separated from our bags and took 2 canoes to travel down to Waita Lodge. We were exposed to the elements throughout the ride but were eagerly looking around for any traces of wildlife. On arrival, we settled down, had dinner and got ready for the first night hike!
Tailless whip scorpion (Heterophrynus sp.)
Commonly seen on tree trunks, but Heterophrynus is such an imposing figure on tree trunks that we had to take lots of close ups.
White flat-backed millipede (Polydesmida)
We found several of these giant flat-backed millipedes, especially after the rain. I’m calling this the spineless vertebrae.
Velvet worm (Oroperipatus sp.)
We really wanted to see a velvet worm on this trip and was lucky to be rewarded with one sighting!
Orb weaver spider (Parawixia sp.)
This beautiful green Parawixia was one of the highlights of my trip to Peru in 2015, and it even got printed on my luggage cover. When I called for the others, I just had to say “IT’S THE SPIDER ON MY LUGGAGE!!”.
Orb weaver spider (Xylethrus superbus)
Diego found one of the most stunning spiders of this trip. The wart-like texture on the abdomen of Xylethrus superbus is littered with red-ringed muscular depressions that looked like the eye of sauron, fringed with numerous tubercles in all directions, with the longest one extending posteriorly like a tail. It also fluoresces brightly under UV and looks magnificent from all angles.
Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria fera)
We found a huge Brazilian wandering spider behind our rooms, so the only logical thing was to take a selfie with it. They may be known to be the most venomous spiders on the planet, but are actually very docile. Appropriate precautions were taken when taking this spiderfie.
Milkyway at Waita Lodge
To end the first night, I took a few shots of the night sky with the milkyway rising above our cabins.
Long-snout weevil (Sicoderus sp.)
On the second day in the Amazon, we had a good start to the day with an incredibly long-snouted weevil hanging out on my boot.
Leafhopper nymph (Diestostemma sp.)
Close to the start of the trail, we found this peculiar leafhopper nymph. It loses its extended “snout” when it turns into an adult.
Fishing spider (Thaumasia sp.)
There was also an abundance of fishing spiders along the flooded trails.
Flooded Trails
Did I mention flooded trails? During periods of high rainfall, the river’s water level rises and the trails get flooded. Interesting subjects from the ground could then be sighted in the foliage.
Fishing spider (Thaumasia sp.)
An adult male fishing spider on the water surface. Note the reflection of its palps.
Long-legged water spider (Syntrechalea sp.)
Typically found on tree trunks and well camouflaged, there were several Syntrechalea along the trails.
Nursery web spider (Architis sp.)
A small but stunning pisaurid carrying an egg sac.
Mosquito (Aedini)
Some of the trails had lots of mosquitoes. This, unfortunately, has my blood.
Thorn orb weaver (Micrathena plana)
While I was looking forward to extending my Micrathena checklist, I was really looking forward to see Micrathena cyanospinosa which is arguably the Macracantha arcuata of the neotropics. I didn’t have enough luck for that but managed to snag almost 10 species on this trip. Always happy to document them on their web!
Leafhopper (Proconia sp.)
Towards the end of the trail, we spotted a large and colourful Proconia, but at a precarious position where we had to stretch out while stepping at the edge of an underwater log.
Golden tortoise beetle (Hybosa sp.)
Dennis showed me this brilliant golden tortoise beetle and it took flight several times, while always landing at a spot close by. I also used this shot as the main photo for my lecture on lighting and diffusion a few minutes after taking the shot.
Harvestman (Phareicranaus sp.)
We went on a night hike across the river and were greeted by this impressive harvestmen with octopus-like rings on its body.
Treehopper (Membracis cf. tectigera)
Outside the trail, we also saw several of these obnoxiously helmeted treehoppers.
Ecuadorian brown velvet tarantula (Megaphobema velvetosoma)
Within a hundred metres, this large tarantula was spotted. Many took shots from typical angles, so I chose a wide-angle shot to highlight the spinnerets.
Lynx spider (Tapinillus longipes)
This genus of oxyopids is new to me. It has a unique eye arrangement which is very different from what we see in Asia.
Tailless whip scorpion (Heterophrynus sp.)
Further into the trail, we could hear Diego screaming “MY FAVOURITE!!”. I spent quite some time with this Heterophrynus carrying a large brood of babies. Looked like a plate of white pasta. Max mentioned that this looked like Marge Simpson… does it??
Huntsman spider (Sadala sp.)
I missed the opportunity to get portraits of Sadala during my previous trip to the neotropics, so I was really pleased to encounter some of them this time.
Orb weaver spider (Alpaida bicornuta)
Spiders of the genus Alpaida tend to be colourful. I’m really glad to document two species of Alpaida from this trip.
Ogre-face spider (Deinopis sp.)
We spotted this net-casting spider down the trail, but it wasn’t with its net yet. Still too early?
Giant turtle ant (Cephalotes atratus)
There were a few giant turtle ants on the trees, much larger than those that I had encountered in Belize.
Dead leaf mantis (Acanthops sp.)
The find of the night belonged to this cryptic dead leaf mantis in its naturally camouflaged position. Jen exclaimed that this was the coolest mantis that she had ever seen, and many of us agree!
Velvet ant (Hoplomutilla sp.)
Velvet ants are known for their painful sting. This was running about so we had to be really careful with where it ended up.
Ant (Daceton armigerum)
Undoubtedly my favourite ant from this trip with a magnificently shaped head.
Spiny katydid (Championica pilata)
Piotr found this majestic spiny katydid while we were heading back.
Neotropical stick grasshopper (Apioscelis bulbosa)
I’ve always wanted to see these jumping sticks and was thrilled to find one to be my final subject of the night. As always, pulling a long face.
Morning boat ride
I finally decided to join the 6am boat ride since “I’m already here”. It was really peaceful and interesting, but I had my lens and viewfinder fogged up for a good part of the ride. Noob mistake!
Miller's Saki Monkey (Pithecia milleri)
This pair of Miller’s Saki Monkeys sharing a meal.
Proboscis bat (Rhynchonycteris naso)
There were several sightings of proboscis bats resting on dead branches along the river.
Pleasing fungus beetle (Erotylus sp.)
The morning field trip was uneventful. We found lots of subjects but nothing exceptional until we spotted this Erotylus that looked like a kid had scribbled its elytra with crayons. It managed to get Steve coming back into the trail while he was on his way back to his room!
Muddy boots
The trails were just a wee bit muddy.
Broad-headed woodlizard (Enyalioides laticeps)
During the night walk, we saw several frogs and this lizard. It was difficult to light up large subjects with a macro setup, so this was lighted with an off-camera flash and diffused with a softbox.
Thick-tailed scorpion (Tityus sp.)
I found that the Olympus body wasn’t capturing UV fluorescence well with long exposures, so this partial UV fluorescence was attempted handheld.
Barred monkey frog (Callimedusa tomopterna)
This barred monkey frog was in a very nice position when we first spotted it, but had already jumped when it was my turn. Still a beautiful frog nonetheless!
Monkey grasshopper (Eumastax sp.)
These monkey grasshoppers were abundant around Waita Lodge. A wide-angle shot of a mating pair of this colourful species had always been on my wish list and the walk ended on a high with this last subject of the night!
Cuyabeno river ride to clay lick
In the morning, we took a little trip to a clay lick to wait for some parrots.
Waiting at clay lick
We parked our canoes together on the other side of the river. The clay lick was unfortunately much smaller than the one that we saw in Peru but that also allowed us to get much closer and capture some decent shots.
Orange-cheeked parrots (Pyrilia barrabandi)
These were the only parrots at the clay lick, so we slowly inched closer to get some shots.
Black-headed parrot (Pionites melanocephalus)
High up near the canopy, we saw this black-headed parrot next to an orb web which probably belonged to a tetragnathid.
Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
99% of our dolphin shot attempts were of Amazonian water ripples. I was lucky to get a shot of 2 individuals at the surface of the water, albeit for just a split second.
Harvestman (Sibambea sp.)
In the afternoon, we visited the trail across the river where we found this really derpy looking harvestman.
Target tortoise beetle (Plagiometriona phoebe)
Glad to also add another entry to my tortoise beetle checklist!
Lantern bugs (Scaralis sp.)
We found the fabled mosquito tree which had at least 3 different species of fulgorids. Photographing at the tree guaranteed some lantern bug pee on our heads as there were lots of them up on the tree.
Lantern bug (Scaralis sp.)
One of the species was much smaller, as seen hiding beneath the larger species.
Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata)
I wasn’t too careful and had a bullet ant climbing up to my lens while I was taking some wide angle shots.
Jumping ant (Gigantiops destructor)
Also on the same tree, Piotr pointed out this large-eyed jumping ant.
Mosquito (Culicinae)
The tree was called a mosquito tree because… well, mosquitoes. At least some of them looked interesting!
Soldier fly (Cyphomyia sp.)
Yes we stayed at the tree for over an hour. This yellow-headed soldier fly was buzzing around us while we got busy.
Daddy-long-legs spider (Pholcidae)
Some of these pholcids resembled harvestmen, which is also why they share the same common name “daddy-long-legs”. This is an adult male.
Orb weaver spider (Wagneriana sp.)
We seldom see male araneids on their webs, so this male Wagneriana was a treat, and with a prey!
Headstand Katydid (Pterochrozinae)
I’m calling this the headstand katydid. Yup.
Crab spider (Epicadus dimidiaster)
One of my main targets for any trip to the neotropics would be the flamboyant species of Epicadus. I did find 2 or 3 species, but not those with huge tubercles. Diego was pretty excited to find this for me though!
Crab spider (Epicadus dimidiaster)
This was a much smaller Epicadus but still a beautiful specimen.
Crab spider (Onocolus sp.)
Merav spotted this well-camouflaged crab spider with her UV light. It had a very bright fluorescence!
Thorn orb weaver (Micrathena coca)
My favorite Micrathena from this trip had to be Micrathena coca!
Planthopper nymph (Lophopidae)
Found this odd-looking lophopid nymph with an exceptionally large pair of forelegs.
Stinky bird (Opisthocomus hoazin)
In the next morning, I managed some simple shots of the stinky birds. It supposedly gives off a foul smell due to the fermentation of food in its digestive system.
Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis)
With the help of our guides, we also managed to photograph a Great Potoo! It is nocturnal and really well camouflaged when resting in the day.
Toucans (Ramphastidae spp.)
I’m not into birds but the toucans were really colourful. Here are some record shots of our sightings from a distance.
Humbolt's Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri cassiquiarensis)
I took some shots of the squirrel monkeys, and only found this sequence of one snagging an orb weaver spider for a snack only during post-processing!
Treehopper (Membracis sp.)
We visited the trail across the river again, and were lucky to see many of the membracids emerging as adults.
Spitting spider (Scytodidae)
Several spitting spiders were sighted, but this female carrying her eggs was the most photogenic.
Jumping spider (Amycus sp.)
Piotr shared this mature male Amycus that had just captured a tetragnathid!
Jaguar paw prints
Everyone was photographing the mud relentlessly. Turned out to be fresh tracks of a jaguar! No we didn’t see one.
Lantern bug (Enchophora sp.)
We found the second mosquito tree with another 3 species of fulgorids!
Pleasing fungus beetle (Erotylus sp.)
Most of the erotylids were really pretty, but this one didn’t stay for long…
Non-biting midge (Chironomus sp.)
Close up of a non-biting midge and its fluffy antennae.
Lynx spider (Hamataliwa sp.)
A really tiny oxyopid with what looked like her egg sac.
Toe-winged beetle (Ptilodactylidae)
This ptilodactylid was really unique and most likely new to science.
Katydids (Pseudophyllinae)
The sky was threatening to rain again in the afternoon, but I did a short hike with some of the other participants and Merav spotted this trio of well-camouflaged katydids.
Bird observation tower
In the evening, the sky cleared and we were able to visit the bird observation tower built by the community.
Top of the bird observation tower
The tower is built around a Ceibo tree but swayed precariously when we climbed up. It took us a while to get used to moving about on the platform without shaking it too much.
Sunset at bird observation tower
We waited til the sun set. The top of the photo shows some abandoned nests on the Ceibo tree.
Spiny pleasing fungus beetle (Ellipticus spinifer)
On our final full day at Waita Lodge, we revisited the trail across the river again (it does not have a name, hence the long reference) and found this exceptional fungus beetle. The spine is actually split between its elytra and fits perfectly together when closed.
Lantern bug (Lystra pulverulenta)
I went back to the mosquito tree again, hoping to get better shots of the fulgorids that were higher up but didn’t have much luck. There was another green species at a much greater height.
Flooded trails
With the rain, most of the trails had higher water levels.
Conehead katydid (Copiphorini)
Peekaboo shots of a conehead katydid.
Fungus-farming ant (Apterostigma sp.)
First time seeing a fungus-farming ant colony. They are really oddly-shaped!
Crab spider (Epicadus trituberculatus)
Don found another Epicadus outside the trail. Interestingly, its posterior had several black tubercles that looked like pseudo-eyes!
Polka-dot orb weaver (Ocrepeira albopunctata)
The rain returned in the afternoon, so I just poked around behind the rooms and found this brilliantly spotted orb weaver!
Photographing army ants
Jason and Steve were photographing the army ants next to the generator.
Army ants (Labidus spininodis)
Poor quality but interesting scene of the trail of army ants.
Broad-headed tree frog (Osteocephalus sp.)
Dennis was photographing some frogs next to the army ants and I sneaked in some shots.
FaceBug by SciBugs
Someone brought a large beetle to the lecture area and Nancy couldn’t resist doing a FaceBug shot.
Magic lotion for chigger bites.
Farewell Cake
The chefs prepared a cake for us on our final night at the lodge and decorated our plates.
Hike in the rain
The rain persisted throughout the day and into the night, but we couldn’t wait any longer and decided to go hiking in the rain. All of us had glowing tummies.
Dead leaf katydid (Typophyllum sp.)
Diego found another species of Typophyllum, but it was really challenging to do back-lighting while covering the camera, holding the poncho, and positioning the flash for this shot.
Peacock katydid nymph (Pterochroza ocellata)
I also managed some record shots of a peacock katydid nymph. On our first night, Piotr saw an adult behind our rooms but it simply disappeared in front of our eyes. For such a large katydid to disappear like that, it was, in Piotr’s words, “unbelievable”.
Wandering spider (Ctenidae)
Some shots appear washed out due to the rain and fogging of the lens.
Unknown spider
One of the weirdest eye arrangements from this trip. Anyone familiar with this?
Cuyabeno Black River Ride
On the final morning at Waita Lodge, we had an extended boat ride on the black river and took several “shortcuts” through places that were only accessible when flooded.
Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus)
The red howler monkeys looked a little grumpy from the rain.
Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus variegatus)
The morning’s highlight had to be this three-toed sloth!
Leaving Waita Lodge
We were soon all packed and leaving Waita Lodge. A mystery person kindly paid for all of our alcoholic beverages. We all have an idea who did it but since anonymity was requested, thanks mystery bugshotter!
Jen and Tom
We left Jen and Tom behind at Waita Lodge as they were extending their stay there. Jen managed to get close to many birds and other mammals when the crowd was gone, made us envious!
After disembarking from our canoes, everyone rushed to the toilets while this puppy came to check us out.
Road maintenance
We spent the night at Coca and flew back to Quito in the next morning. A country-wide strike had started and the incomplete road works were just the start of a lengthy strike.
Bellavista Lodge
Many of us split into groups from Quito and a small group of us were back in the cloud forests, but this time at Bellavista Lodge. As we didn’t have any lectures nor rain this time, the short stay here was a lot more productive!
Moss mantis (Pseudopogonogaster mirabilis)
Just next to the rooms, Merav spotted a very well-hidden moss mantis. Can you see it?
Moss mantis (Pseudopogonogaster mirabilis)
Close up of the moss mantis.
Moss stick insect (Parobrimus monstrosus)
Just below the mantis was a mossy walking stick.
Bellavista Trails
The trails at Bellavista Lodge are well marked, with indicators of its difficulty as well.
Moss millipede (Polydesmida)
The trails at Bellavista had many mossy creatures. It was cool that this was our first time seeing a mossy millipede.
Leaf beetle (Aspicela bourcieri)
This stunning leaf beetle was in abundance near the entrance of the lodge, but is really skittish.
Harvestmen (Opiliones spp.)
The highlight at Bellavista Lodge had to be the harvestmen. We found many along the first 400m of the first trail and here’s a small collection.
Moss katydid (Tettigoniidae)
The mossy katydids that we saw were fascinating too.
Hairy cicada (Cicadidae)
This looked like a plain cicada at first, but look at the hairs!
Stick insect (Phasmida)
More mossy walking sticks. There were lots of them!
Pinnochio rainfrog (Pristimantis appendiculatus)
Merav also spotted this beautiful Pinnochio rainfrog.
Moths (Lepidoptera spp.)
Dennis arranged for some of the staff to set up a light trap in front of my room. Here’s a small selection of what we saw.
Emerald moths (Geometrinae spp.)
I also managed to document an awesome congregation of geometrids on a leaf well after everyone went to bed.
Blue tarantula (Pamphobeteus sp.)
Along the steps of Trail C, this juvenile blue tarantula was posing nicely for us.
Ghost sac spider (Anyphaenidae)
Lots of anyphaenids were found, but this had exceptionally large jaws.
Moss stick insect (Xerosomatini)
Portrait of one of the many walking stick insects.
Weevil (Exorides sp.)
This green weevil has some blue and cyan iridescence on its body!
Shag carpet caterpillar (Prothysana felderi)
In the morning, Merav spotted this fluffy, feathery caterpillar.
Firefly beetle (Magnoculus sp.)
We saw a few of these firefly beetles with fanned antennae.
Jumping spider (Lyssomanes sp.)
There were many sightings of this Lyssomanes, with some guarding their eggs.
Treehopper (Metcalfiella erecta)
Jason pointed me to this colourful membracid. Unfortunately it was moving a little too much when it was my turn to photograph it.
Weevil (Xystus sp.)
One of the best beetle finds of this trip was this tri-coloured weevil.
Weevil (Compsus sp.)
This pink-headed weevil comes at a close second.
Stick insect (Phasmida)
At night, I tried some UV shots using Merav’s UV Beast and got some decent results on my phone’s camera.
Ladybird beetles (Neda spp.)
The ladybird beetles that we saw were a treat. Not sure if they were just morphs of the same species.
Birds of Bellavista Lodge
I was somehow still jet-lagged at the end of the trip, so I spent about half an hour before breakfast checking out some of the birds outside my room.
Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan (Andigena laminirostris)
My favorite birds had to be these Plate-billed Mountain-Toucans. The lodge has some plantains around so they are almost always in the area.
Team Bellavista
Just a few hours before my flight, KLM informed me that my flight home was cancelled, likely due to the strikes in Ecuador. It was a stress-filled morning and I left Bellavista without a flight home. BUT… I was still very grateful for this little group where we found so much in less than 2 days. We need to do this again!

Want More?
The photos above are just snippets of the trip. To see the full list of species documented, check out BugShot Ecuador 2022 Checklist.
Macro Photography Equipment
For this trip, I brought along several setups for macro and general wildlife photography.
For larger subjects:
- Nikon D850
- Tamron 90mm
- Raynox DCR-150
- Meike MK-MT24 wireless flashes
- FotoPro DMM-903s flash arms
For smaller subjects:
- Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark 4
- Laowa 50mm f/2.8 2X Ultra Macro APO Lens for Micro Four Thirds
- Viltrox JY610II
- DIY dual-layer diffuser, refer to Laowa 50mm 2:1 review
For cctv relay wide angle macro:
- Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark 4
- Laowa 50mm f/2.8 2X Ultra Macro APO Lens for Micro Four Thirds
- Raynox DCR-150 and Raynox DCR-250
- 2.1mm cctv lens (no brand)
- Viltrox JY610II
- DIY dual-layer diffuser, refer to Laowa 50mm 2:1 review
For general wildlife from a distance (thanks to Master D’Imaging for the loan!):
For milky way photography:
For behind the scenes shots and videos: