Borneo Bootcamp 2015: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 2 of the Borneo Boot Camp was a bountiful day for all. Lots of interesting bugs, spiders and herps to keep our eyes glued to the camera’s viewfinder! Despite many sleeping late beyond 2am the night before, everyone was up early and even shooting before breakfast. Andrew and Chris had the light trap set up the night before, but due to the surrounding lights, it didn’t attract much bugs.
Behind the scenes photos taken by Chris and Joanna.
Mantis (Pachymantis sp.?)
This mantis was waiting for me on the floor as I opened the chalet doors in the morning. It had bright red forelegs and numerous “thorns” on its thorax.
Mantis (Pachymantis sp.?)
Moved it to the foliage for more natural views.
Mantis (Pachymantis sp.?)
Lovely patterns on the eyes!
Mantis (Pachymantis sp.?)
The forelegs were yellow and blue on the outside, and red on the inside!
Hornets (Provespa sp.)
Checked out the light trap, and found clusters of hornets. Wonder if they were there to look for free food?
Hawk Moth (Daphnusa ocellaris)
Unusual moth that was standing upright.
Bark horned mantis (Ceratocrania sp.)
As I walked back to the chalet, I found a beautiful but almost dead mantis on the floor. It wasn’t stepped on, as all parts were quite intact.
Bark horned mantis (Ceratocrania sp.)
It had a radially twisted cone head!
Bark horned mantis (Ceratocrania sp.)
Lateral view, just for record keeping.
Bark horned mantis (Ceratocrania sp.) ©2015 Joanna Yeo
Joanna had a unique take on this mantis!
Spiny orb web spider (Gasteracantha sp.)
Seawei spotted this spiny orb weaver just in front of the chalet as well.
Spiny orb web spider (Gasteracantha sp.)
Most likely a mature female!
After breakfast
We wasted no time shooting whatever we could find on our way to the botanical gardens. Kerry and Dori were shooting a fish hook ant on the table.
Fish hook ant (Polyrhachis ypsilon)
Here’s how the ant looked up close!
Stalk-eyed fly (Diopsidae) ©2015 Kerry van Eeden
Kerry also managed to chase down this stalk-eyed fly!
Tree trunk hunting
The others got busy with the trees! We could usually see the masked hunter assassin bugs here.
Still at the tree
At this rate, we’d never get to start with where we wanted to go!
Towards the gardens!
Finally urged everyone to move on to the gardens to hunt for the lantern bugs while they were still at low heights.
Lantern bug (Pyrops whiteheadi)
I walked all the way in first to check out the usual host trees, and found only 1 tree with Pyrops whiteheadi. It was a stunningly vibrant specimen, so I took a record shot before trudging back to guide the rest to it. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay still for long and only a few others got to shoot it.
Unknown spider web
Andrew pointed me to this odd-looking horizontal orb web. Never seen anything like this!
Unknown spider web
We thought that the spider was away, but upon shooting closer, we found that the spider was actually hanging underneath all the while!
Unknown spider web
Wider view of the entire web
Scale insect (Coccoidea)
I saw a scale insect fluttering around, and made a feeble attempt to shoot it while I had my Raynox still on. Result was a grossly out of focus scale insect. 😛
Horse fly (Tabanidae) © Seawei Ying
A horse fly was sucking Andy’s blood and Seawei made sure the blood did not go to waste!
Cross spider (Argiope sp.)
Interestingly, this juvenile Argiope had already started building a stabilimentum on its web!
Pill-like planthopper (Hemisphaerius sp.)
There were several of these pill-like planthoppers along the path, but this had the most colourful patterns!
Trashline orb web spider (Cyclosa sp.)
An intricate stabilimentum was spotted on the web of a Cyclosa.
Trashline orb web spider (Cyclosa sp.)
Closer view reveals the spider with silvery patches on its abdomen.
Pill-like planthopper (Hemisphaerius sp.)
A less striking pill-like planthopper, but the body looked as if it was see-through!
Tussock moth larva
A few of us spotted what looked like a pair of caterpillars at the entrance of the gardens. On closer observation, it seemed to be a moult of the caterpillar!
Tussock moth larva
Leaving the past behind.
Tussock moth larva
Closing up on the head of the main specimen.
Tussock moth larva
After taking a few shots, we realised that the caterpillar would puff up its hairs if we blew at it. Thanks to Timothy for activating the puff-up!
Inside the gardens
Everyone got busy in the gardens, shooting non-stop.
Tiger leech (Hirudinea) ©2015 Chris Ang
Chris shot this fat looking leech. Wonder whose trail of blood that belonged to?
Spiny back orb weaver (Gasteracantha sp.)
Juvenile spiny back orb weaver, ideal for those using the Raynox!
Jumping spider (Bavia sp.)
Dorsal view of a jumping spider. Haven’t gone to identify them yet.
Jumping spider (Bavia sp.)
Almost customary to get a view of the eyes, but didn’t have time to get it to look at me.
Pill-like planthopper (Hemisphaerius sp.)
Another pill-like planthopper, also with see-through “cover”.
Pill-like planthopper (Hemisphaerius sp.)
The anterior view is beautifully marked with blue and red stripes.
Net-winged beetle (Lycidae)
We see lots of them in Singapore, but taking record shots anyway!
Net-winged beetle (Lycidae)
View of the face, looks fiercer from this angle.
Microlepidoptera perched in the foliage.
Two-tailed spider (Hersiliidae)
Juvenile two-tailed spider hiding on a tree trunk.
Two-tailed spider (Hersiliidae)
Due to the height, it was easy to get views of the eyes.
I’m bad with identifying dipterans.. 🙁
Straight-snouted weevil (Brentidae)
This straight-snouted weevil had 2 weird looking tails.
Straight-snouted weevil (Brentidae)
Lateral view.
Eurybrachyid planthopper (Eurybrachyidae)
One of the most brightly coloured bugs on this trip, second only to Pyrops.
Eurybrachyid planthopper (Eurybrachyidae)
Lateral view reveals a bright red abdomen.
Pill millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Many of the ladies were waiting patiently for the pill millipede to open up and walk around.
Pill millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
I wasn’t too patient and took some close ups instead.
Pill millipede (Sphaerotheriida)
Peering into its eyes.
Pill millipede (Sphaerotheriida) ©2015 Seawei Ying
Seawei’s patience paid off as the millipede bared all for him.
Happy face ©2015 Tom Astle
Borneo is very friendly. Put together by Tom! 😀
Huntsman spider (Heteropoda sp.) ©2015 Siewli Loh
Siewli captured this huntsman spider camouflaged within the moss.
Common posy? (Drupadia ravindra)
A faded common posy stayed long enough for me to take a record shot.
Bird dung crab spider (Phrynarachne sp.)
One of the more memorable finds of this trip was this bird dung crab spider.
Bird dung crab spider (Phrynarachne sp.)
Anterior close up reveals the numerous spines on legs I and II.
Bird dung crab spider (Phrynarachne sp.)
Closing up on its rear focuses on the 4 red prominent abdominal humps.
Feather-legged spider (Octonoba sp.)
At the mushroom shelter, Chris found a mature male feather-legged spider on its web.
Wasps (Apocrita)
A cluster of wasps were also spotted on the shelter’s ceiling, kindly pointed out by Tom.
Crab spider (Epidius sp.)
Just in front of the shelter was this long-palped crab spider under a leaf. The male would have extra long pedipalps that might be mistaken for legs. This particular species is new to science.
Crab spider (Epidius sp.)
Anterior view, probably juvenile or female.
Camouflaged larva © Seawei Ying
An unknown caterpillar camouflaged with debris by Seawei!
Dead leaf grasshopper (Caelifera) ©2015 Chris Ang
Well camouflaged dead leaf grasshopper by Chris!
Most popular subject of the day
Cham found the white morph of Macracantha and had everyone queuing up to shoot it!
Most popular subject of the day
And that’s me taking the picture above.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata) ©2015 Chris Ang
A natural view of the long horn orb weaver by Chris
Background please
Andrew was nice enough to hold a leaf for Seawei but he started complaining etc etc… and Andrew decided to use his mouth as background.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata) ©2015 Seawei Ying
And this was the result!
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
After everyone was done, I set up my tripod and positioned the shot for a bright distant background.
I also want
Andrew liked the result and inserted his SD card into my camera. -_-“”
Timothy in action
This was how he looked most of the time – eyes glued to camera.
Dung beetle (Scarabidae) © Seawei Ying
Seawei found a cute little dung beetle pushing a ball of dung around.
Malay Red Harlequin (Paralaxita damajanti) ©2015 Kerry van Eeden
Kerry got a stunning Malay red harlequin in perfect focus!
Leech lover
Joanna took many shots of leeches, even when there were beautiful beetles beside.
Andy with the subject of the day
The spider would normally be in an upside down position due to the abdominal shape. It won’t stay still if kept upright!
Lynx spider (Hamadruas sp.)
While making our way out, we spotted a lynx spider having a late lunch.
Lynx spider (Hamadruas sp.)
Always expressionless despite the big meal.
Lynx spider (Hamadruas sp.)
Like most spiders, it attacked the fly’s “neck”.
Ornate earless agama (Aphaniotis ornata) ©2015 Kerry van Eeden
Kerry also captured a shot of this cute little ornate earless agama with the curious-looking snout.
Giant shield bug nymph (Tessaratomidae)
On one of the mossy bridges, we found yet another giant shield bug nymph.
Lynx spider (Hamataliwa sp.)
Really tiny little lynx spider.
Lynx spider (Hamataliwa sp.)
Highly cropped image, but luckily still sharp.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
The others were taking really long, so I went back to check on them and found that the Macracantha model was working overtime. I then took out my Venus LAOWA 15mm wide-angle macro lens for some test shots! To find out more about this lens, read the review here.
Long horned orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
Finally, at F/22 details begin to show in the background.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
Back on the mossy trunk where everyone was shooting on.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
Normal shot with my Tamron 90mm.
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
And finally, a close up to show details on the abdomen.
Dobsonfly (Corydalinae)
Back at the cabins, we found that a dobsonfly was still on the light trap! It didn’t stay for long, but I was fortunate enough to get some shots.
Dobsonfly (Corydalinae)
Lateral view shows that the foreleg was broken.
Dobsonfly (Corydalinae)
She looked really curious in this pic.
Record shot of a moth on the light trap.
Flower mantis (Creobroter sp.)
Chris found a mantis at the door as well. Thought that it was a flower mantis.
Flower mantis (Creobroter sp.)
It was a mature adult, and kept flying around the room!
Dinner time
We took a break in the afternoon to catch up on some rest and post processing. Before we knew it, dinner was served!
Lesson 2: Post Processing Techniques
After dinner, the class area was set up for a post processing session where several post processing techniques that are useful for macro were covered.
Basic post processing
We started with some basic post processing steps that I’d use for almost every photo. Sample source photos were provided so that everyone would be working on the same images.
Class joker
Why’s that guy behind not paying attention??
Pretending to work
Apparently Seawei forgot his laptop’s power adapter and resorted to using his imaginary one instead.
Session overrun!
The post processing session took longer than expected and we had to postpone the stacking lesson to the next day as we’ve already made arrangements with the staff for a night walk.
Dragon snake (Xenodermus javanicus)
On the way to our night trail, Tom spotted a very rare dragon snake.
Dragon snake (Xenodermus javanicus)
Just took record shots with my Raynox as I was rushing in to meet the park ranger! Should have taken a full body shot.
Whip scorpions (Thelyphonida) ©2015 Tom Astle
Tom shot a pair of whip scorpions locked in embrace, apparently part of a courtship ritual.
Huntsman spider (Heteropoda sp.)
Yet another distraction on the way to the trail. Had a leg span of at least 4 inches.
Huntsman spider (Heteropoda sp.)
Despite its size, the huntsman was very patient with us and allowed me to go really close.
Juvenile agamid (Agamidae) ©2015 Tom Astle
Disillusioned look on a resting agamid
Katydid (Tettigoniidae)
Finally into the trail! Found a large katydid but was too lazy to remove the Raynox, and ended up with a poorly composed image.
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
Found an exceptionally colourful stick insect slightly above eye level.
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
We were careful with it as it might just fly off.
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
Somehow many were not too interested in this stick insect, perhaps because it was a little high and many couldn’t see the colours!
Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)
One of the many huntsman spiders running around on the tree trunks and leaf litter.
Ant-like sac spider (Utivarachna sp.)
A lanky ant-like sac spider. Note the invagination at the edge of the carapace behind the ocular region.
Ant-like sac spider (Utivarachna sp.)
Luckily, this one stood still enough and I didn’t have to spend too much time taking record shots.
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
Went back to the stick insect again when everyone else was done. That’s when we realised that the colours were not common at all!
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
Close up on the wing veins.
Knob necked stick insect (Calvisia sp.?)
Some of us stayed behind and did some ultraviolet exposures. This shot also included the ootheca which we missed out earlier too!
Moss mantis (Haania sp.) ©2015 Kerry van Eeden
Further into the trail was a small moss mantis. Kerry caught it fiddling with the moss on the tree!
Comb-footed spider (Theridion sp.)
A rare seen where a comb-footed spider snagged a tiger beetle.
Comb-footed spider (Theridion sp.)
The spider carefully fondling her prey.
Comb-footed spider (Theridion sp.)
She then gave me a big clowny smile!
Long horn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata) © Siewli Loh
Siewli took some excellent shots of a red morph of the long horn orb weaver!
Bornean tree hole frog (Metaphrynella sundana)
Seawei pointed us to this tiny little toad.
Bornean tree hole frog (Metaphrynella sundana)
It was very tame and allowed us to go close from various angles.
Eurybrachyid planthopper (Eurybrachyidae)
We found the lovely planthopper that we saw in the day again!
Tiger leech (Haemadipsa picta) ©2015 Tud Yinn
Wiggly shot of a tiger leech by Cham!
Blue-pitted harvestman (Opiliones)
Encouraged several others to take shots of this blue-pitted harvestman.
Weevil (Curculionidae) © Seawei Ying
A bizarre weevil with cottony elytra. I regret not getting to shoot this!
Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)
Chris showed me this huntsman spider, probably a Gnathopalystes which also fluoresced under ultraviolet.
Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)
It was really flat and there were limited angles to get close ups of the eyes!
Sharing finds ©2015 Dorota Polaczek
John sharing something he found on the tree trunk.
Mossy katydid (close to Olcinia sp.?)
This large mossy stick insect was found just beside the mushroom shelter.
Mossy katydid (close to Olcinia sp.?)
Incredibly cryptic details!
Mossy katydid (close to Olcinia sp.?)
The stick insect was found to fluoresce under ultraviolet too, much to the delight of everyone. Unfortunately, the rangers were closing that trail for the night and we had to exit after this shot.
UV Photography ©2015 Dorota Polaczek
Chris getting ready to shoot the stick insect in ultraviolet before we left the trail.
Striped kukri snake (Oligodon octolineatus) ©2015 Tom Astle
A cheeky view of a striped kukri snake by Tom
Striped kukri snake (Oligodon octolineatus) ©2015 Tom Astle
Dorsal view of the striped kukri snake, which mimics the banded Malayan coral snake
Harlequin flying frog (Rhacophorus pardalis)
Outside by the pond, Ben pointed us to this lone tree frog.
Spotted tree frog (Nyctixalus pictus) ©2015 Tom Astle
Richly coloured spotted tree frog by Tom
Pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) ©2015 Chris Ang
Chris found an interesting family of pseudoscorpions on a tree trunk
Black-eyed litter frog (Leptobrachium sp.) ©2015 Tom Astle
Eyes as black as night, a wonderful capture by Tom
Harlequin flying frog (Rhacophorus pardalis)
We had fun lighting it up like a bulb, with Kerry holding my torch behind the frog.
File-eared tree frog (Polypedates otilophus) ©2015 Tom Astle
Sleepy file-eared tree frog beautifully composed by Tom
Giant river toad (Phrynoidis juxtasper) ©2015 Tom Astle
Tom also shot one of the largest toads in the world!
Winged termite (Isoptera)
One of those still alive.
Winged termite (Isoptera)
Lateral view of the termite.
Winged termites (Isoptera)
What resulted, was a layer of dead winged termites everywhere from the floor, to the tables and even our new stock of bath towels. After everyone else went to sleep, I spent a while sweeping everything off after taking some record shots so that we won’t have squished carcasses everywhere.

Despite looking really bare, the light trap had a few interesting looking moths.

The complete macro album for this day can be viewed here.
Borneo Bootcamp 2015: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4