We came across what looked like a tiger beetle, which looked like a forest ant initially, while some parts looked like a katydid. Upon closer observation, it was indeed a katydid (Condylodera tricondyloides) that was mimicking a flightless tiger beetle (Tricondyla sp.). The tiger beetle is typically an aggressive critter, and not an easy prey to catch.
- First look of Condylodera tricondyloides. Initially thought to be a tiger beetle mimicking a forest ant.
- Side view of the actual tiger beetle (Tricondyla sp.)
- Higher view. The abdomen does indeed look like that of an ant!
- Top view. The bulging eyes are typical of tiger beetles.
- Top view of the actual tiger beetle (Tricondyla sp.)
- Front view close up. The fierce looking mandibles of a tiger beetle were missing, not a tiger beetle after all!
- Another close up of the mandibles
- Side view close up.
- Final pic of the magnificent mimic
- A pair of mating beetles. I hadn’t had a good chance to take a decent pic of this yet
- Full body view of the couple
- Sleeping sweat bee (Amegilla sp.)
- It was fidgeting around and even wiping its eyes
- Often lifted itself, clinging onto the branch only by it’s mandibles
- Finally settled down for a nice shot
- Sleeping Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana javana)
- This katydid was standing upright when we found it. As we approached, it sensed our presence and flattened it’s body on the leaf!
- Close up on the head
- Slightly angled view
- Unidentified beetle
- Top view of the beetle
- Keith found this beautiful shield bug (?)
- View from the side reveals a metallic green underneath
- Brilliant colours from the front!
- One of the many Huntsman Spiders (Heteropoda sp.) running around on the leaf litter
- Beautiful spider, this is likely to be a Paraplectana that is new to science. It belongs to the same genus as the ladybird-mimicking spiders.
- Dangling on it’s web
- Climbs onto a leaf after sensing our presence
- Trilobite beetle larva (Platerodrilus ruficollis). View my checklist of trilobite beetles.
- Another close up on the head
- Found these 2 cute ones together, but not sure if they were of the same species
- Ok, not fated to be together, bye bye!!
- Back-lit trilobite beetle
- These nocturnal creatures couldn’t keep still
- Final shot before we called it a night