
Nicky Bay


5 Mysterious Structures from the World’s Smallest Architects

21 January 2016
The rainforest is a giant trove of mysteries. When zooming into the micro world, I saw natural creations which appear so man-made, that they have to be showcased here…

Singapore’s Hidden Treasures – A 2015 Collection

30 December 2015
If you had ever traveled to Singapore, or even lived in Singapore, you would probably have missed seeing most of what I’m about to show here. This is a…

Malaysia’s Top 100 Macro Shots from 2015

30 December 2015
Malaysia has some of the most dazzling arthropod life. The Borneo rainforest is 140 million years old, making it one of the oldest rainforests in the world and home…
Feature Journal

50 Tiny Creatures You Never Looked Up Close In the Amazon

19 August 2015
More from the Peruvian Amazon Tortoise Orb Weavers Thorn Orb Weavers Roly Poly Orb Weavers Jewel Caterpillar Spider Faces 50 Tiny Creatures Many tourists, explorers and researchers visit the Amazon’s unspoilt tropical rainforests in hope of…
Feature Journal

Faces of 20 Spider Families from the Peruvian Amazon

18 August 2015
More from the Peruvian Amazon Tortoise Orb Weavers Thorn Orb Weavers Roly Poly Orb Weavers Jewel Caterpillar Spider Faces 50 Tiny Creatures From my recent week-long stay in the Peruvian Amazon, I found and photographed almost…

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