Admiralty Park’s Mangrove Trail
Another walk down the mangrove trail, to find the regulars who had been shooting since the night before! They were so engrossed with the sleeping centipede and continued shooting til almost 9am. SALUTE!!

#1 Centipede sound asleep on a branch. Had a fellow shooter waving a leaf behind for a nice green background!

#2 Same centipede with the morning sun lighting its feelers

#3 Experimenting with bokeh!

#4 Be mindful what lurks in the dark…

#5 Shield backed bug

#6 Underneath the same shield backed bug

#7 Yet another shield backed bug! Sometimes known as stink bugs too.

#8 Not sure of the ID for this fly, anyone? 🙂

#9 Ready for take-off!!

#10 Crab spider feasting on a honey bee. This is what Admiralty Park is supposedly famous for. The honey bees always get caught by the local lynx and crab spiders!

#11 A closer view with a bit of back-lighting

#12 Magnified view, showing the flies that tend to land on dead bodies. Are they drooling??
The complete album can be
viewed here.