Admiralty Park Overnight Shoot
A quiet walk down the mangrove of Admiralty Park with some AP regulars. The sighting-rate would typically be low when there’s rain in the day, so what we got was a cool, quiet night walk. Til the next hot day!!

#1 Baby Huntsman Spider perched on a heart-shaped leaf

#2 Oriental Whip Snake, usually found high above the trees. It can drop on you anytime, be careful!!

#3 Common Garden Spider ([i]parawixia dehaani[/i]) just caught a cricket!

#4 Common Garden Spider spins its prey into a coccoon

#5 Mummification complete and it savours its dinner

#6 Looks like a spider with its egg sac, but someone said its a wrapped up prey. Not sure??

#7 Brightly Coloured Grasshopper
The following pictures are of a female Whip Spider (
Ariamnes colubrinus, or
Argyrodes colubrinus) protecting its egg sac. It is commonly called the twig spider for its excellent camouflage as a harmless twig suspended from leaves and twigs.

#8 Wide view of Whip Spider with Egg Sac

#9 Close up view… MY PRECIOUS!

#10 Another closeup

#11 When it senses danger, the legs would close up and the entire body forms a twig

#10 Wide view
The complete album can be
viewed here.