Khao Yai National Park – Day 4
Our final day shoot and we told ourselves not to be too slack, as we had been hiding at the balcony for almost the whole of day 3! Off we went to the nearby waterfalls, and then made a short walk to one of the trails.
Behind the scenes shots from Melvyn’s Sony TX5, Nicky’s Galaxy SII, David’s LX5.
- Some morning monkey business outside the cabin
- This pretty one decided to stop by too
- The “cat face” spiny back orb weaver was still around in the morning, so I took a couple more shots
- Interestingly, the patterns on the abdomen were also gyrating in a very slow pace!
- The firefly larva was still nearby, and I took some test shots too
- Close up. Had to pan to chase it, as it walked non stop
- Walk walk walk walk walk
- Opened the aperture to get a nicer background, but compensating with a thinner DOF
- Still moving non stop
- Final shot before it found a crevice to hide into
- A very small longhorn beetle
- Record shot from above
- Found this scorpion-tailed spider (Arachnura sp.) way above our heads
- Side view to show the tail
- Found more of the “cat face” orb weaver, very bright sun in the background
- Here’s what it looked like without flash
- The place was also infested with ticks.. some rather big ones!
- Some had different patterns on the back
- On the same plant, we found this crab spider guarding her egg sac
- Fondling her egg sac every once in a while
- Taking a defensive stance
- And then back to staring at her kids to be
- We were chasing a tiny little frog, but it played dead when we tried to scoop it up, and to our surprise, it held on to the tip of this dead leaf! Quite a funny pose… 😛
- From the side, it looked like any other dirty litter frog
- The view from above gave rather different colours! As if it was coated with petroleum…
- Peering up at the sky, before it decided to stop playing dead and jumped off
- Goofing around at the bridge
- As we entered the trail, Lance found a little fly with it’s wings opened.. and immediately told me that it could be a Scorpionfly (Mecoptera).
- True enough, it is a Scorpionfly! And a male one, lucky us!
- We were very careful in approaching the Scorpionfly, just in case we scared it off. Luckily, it was not super skittish and we could take a number of shots before it really disappeared.
- Ben found this pair of ants, not sure what they were doing though??
- We found a mass of weird looking fungi
- Reminded me of speakers in those dolby surround sequences
- Lots of them, but didn’t know what angle to shoot from
- Dammit.. they found a huge leech on my back!
- Lots of leeches coming towards us…!
- We also found this male Portia sp. waiting on another spider’s web in ambush. The host spider hides below.
- Backlit shot highlights the palps
- From this angle, we can see a part of the hidden host spider below
- We had initially missed this planthopper on the 2nd day near our cabin, but are lucky enough to find it again!
- View of the back
- Very interesting and cute – black with white spots
- Stopped by at the waterfall for some photo-taking
- Ben, always the center of attraction
- As above… 😛
- Since he was into portraits, we made him the model of the day
- Bored monkeys
- Our photographer took so long that we had to show him the finger
- More silly shots
- Apparently David did not know what went on behind him… lol
- Been shooting macro day and night… tired… NOT!
- Back at the balcony, and found this assassin bug flying around
- Ok maybe not an assassin.. rostrum doesn’t look much like one of an assassin bug
- Dung beetle, can’t find any dung for it to roll around. lol
- Final moments with the dung beetle before it flew off to the ceiling
- Melvyn found this super weird assassin bug on our curtain.. like a thread/stick??
- The slightly bulging eyes stood out from the thin thread-like body
- Lower view reveals the long rostrum
- Another experiment with back lighting
- A visiting moth on our curtain
- This moth was perched at our balcony table, and as I was shooting it, noticed that Melvyn’s coffee cup was in the background. Might as well try letting it be the background! lol
- Another composition
- Frontal shot
- Side view
- Suddenly, the antenna stands up
- Final shot before moving on to other subjects visiting our balcony
- A very weird looking fly on our curtain. Ichneumon wasp?
- Top view
- A cicada stops by as well. Very bright green, possibly fresh from molt
- Peekaboo!
- Some light painting had to be done at night. Here’s to winning more 4D!! HUAT AH!
- Our rendition of MACRO
- And.. just for laughs 🙂

The complete album can be viewed here.