
2013 Macro Highlights

31 December 2013

2013 has been an eventful year in my macro journey. Fired about 33,000 macro shots and uploaded close to 6,000 photos – at least 4 out of 5 photos taken were either duplicates (for insurance!) or not ideal for public viewing. I had a shoot every week and came back with 10GB to 20GB of photos each time. This year, I experimented more with various forms of macro photography, including ultraviolet macro, wide angle macro and back-lighting in macro photography. During which, I changed my setup and lighting several times, wrote on macro photography ethics, and I also conducted a few macro photography workshops for several like-minded groups. Last but not least, I’ve started a Facebook page where I share my photos daily and have over 27k followers since it started a few months ago. Hopefully it will be a good platform to share all the creepy stuff about macro photography and make new friends!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my group of passionate macro photographers whom have been tirelessly trudging through forests with me every week for the past year. Everyone had their own full time jobs and families, but took a night out each week in search for tiny beauties. A big thanks to Victor, Melvyn, David, Chris, Andrew and James. Thanks for the rides in the middle of the night, for generously sharing your finds with everyone, and for looking out for each other. Heartfelt thanks to you all, I am grateful to be with this bug-crazy gang.

This post is a consolidation of the memorable pictures taken this year. They may not be the best photos, but they will be etched onto my milestone to conclude the end of 2013. Enjoy, and have a happy new bug year! 🙂

    As always, I will start with some spider families.

    Sparassidae – Huntsman Spiders

    The most commonly shot spider at night. Easily spotted because of their size, although some may be mature at less than 1cm!

    Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_7636
  1. Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)

    It had been a rainy night. We were looking for velvet worms but found this Huntsman Spider on the forest litter instead.

  2. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_7796
  3. Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)

    Guarding her scoop of “ice-cream”, this lady refused to budge from her nest.

  4. Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda boiei) - DSC_7914
  5. Giant green huntsman spider (Heteropoda boiei)

    We first saw Heteropoda boiei in Sarawak, but were pleasantly surprised to see it in some places in Singapore.

  6. Lichen Huntsman Spider (Pandercetes sp.) - DSC_8202
  7. Lichen huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.)

    A Lichen Huntsman Spider (Pandercetes sp.) after a moult.

  8. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_1824
  9. Huntsman spider (Heteropoda sp.)

    Heteropoda devours a large cockroach. It is perched higher due to the size of the prey.

  10. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_1793
  11. Huntsman spider (Thelcticopis sp.)

    Hauntingly beautiful Thelcticopis that we found on Pulau Ubin.

  12. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_7495
  13. Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)

    First sighting of cannibalism in Huntsman Spiders. Wonder if that was the male?

  14. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_7654
  15. Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)

    This Huntsman Spider sports a deep tone of red!

  16. Huntsman Spider (Sparassidae) - DSC_1415
  17. Huntsman spider (Sparassidae)

    Tried taking pictures of spiders dangling on safety lines. The results were quite pleasing with a translucent effect. Especially stunning for hairier huntsman spiders!

  18. Oxyopidae – Lynx Spiders

    Slightly smaller hunting spiders, but often overlooked as they really looked too… common!

    Lynx Spider (Oxyopidae) - DSC_7268
  19. Lynx spiderlings (Oxyopidae)

    Probably seen as a piece of debris dangling from leaves, the entire bunch of spiderlings have cute patches of red on their carapace, paired beautifully with bright green legs. The mother of course, stands guard on the right looking on at her brats.

  20. Lynx Spider (Oxyopidae) - DSC_1985
  21. Lynx spider (Hamadruas sp.

    Probably Hamadruas, one of the larger Lynx Spiders.

  22. Lynx Spider (Oxyopidae) - DSC_5061
  23. Lynx spider (Oxyopidae)

    Never got to figure this out. My wife found this when we were in Cambodia, stunning but tiny!

  24. Lynx Spider (Oxyopidae) - DSC_6340b
  25. Lynx spider (Oxyopidae)

    A punk Lynx sporting a mohawk.

  26. Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia sp.) - DSC_6249
  27. Green lynx spider (Peucetia sp.)

    The Peucetia seems to be one of the largest lynx spiders around. This was in my wish list, and we found it near to our restaurant in Cambodia after lunch. With legs outstretched, this adult male could measure 2 inches long!

  28. Salticidae – Jumping Spiders

    The permanently shocked looks in this family of spiders deserve a gallery of their own.

    Jumping Spider (Rhene sp.) - DSC_3809
  29. Jumping Spider (Rhene sp.)

    This Rhene has a uniquely flat-topped carapace from the anterior view. It is also my model for the article on Ethics in Macro Photography which I wrote this year.

  30. Heavy Jumper (Hyllus diardi) - DSC_3707
  31. Heavy Jumper (Hyllus diardi)

    Always a favorite, the Heavy Jumper (Hyllus sp.) is one of the most popular and easy-to-shoot Salticids in Singapore. Not skittish, slow moving, and large!

  32. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_2315
  33. Jumping Spider (Phintella sp.)

    Found this Mr Eyebrow while I was in Bali for holiday. Some called this Groucho Marx. Some called it Sam the Eagle from Muppets.

  34. Jumping Spider (Siler sp.) - DSC_1984
  35. Jumping Spider (Siler sp.)

    Siler is one of the most colourful Salticids in this region!

  36. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_5999
  37. Jumping Spider (Phintella sp.)

    This made it here for the cute innocent looking eyebrows.

  38. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_4681
  39. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)

    Another Hyllus. Chris called it the gentle giant.

  40. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_4572
  41. Jumping Spider (Phintella sp.)

    Another colourful one!

  42. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_8401
  43. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)

    One of my macro workshop attendees found this lovely Hyllus with green eyes.

  44. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_8354
  45. Jumping Spider (Salticidae)

    Interesting tones on the face, as if it used eye shadow.

  46. Heavy Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_9081
  47. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)

    Up close with another Hyllus

  48. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_2750
  49. Jumping Spider (Phintella sp.)

    One of the cutest faces of 2013! Classic OMG look.

  50. Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_4903
  51. Jumping Spider (Plexippus sp.)

    Cannibalism, although they belong to different genera.

  52. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_9090
  53. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)

    Yet another Hyllus, clearly a very sought-after subject!

  54. Ant-Mimic Jumping Spider (Salticidae) - DSC_1718
  55. Ant-mimic jumping Spider (Salticidae)

    The orchestra conductor, busily mimicking an ant.

  56. Wide-Jawed Viciria (Viciria praemandibularis) - DSC_7231
  57. Jumping spiderlings (Viciria sp.)

    Cute Wide-Jawed Viciria spiderlings.

  58. Wide-Jawed Viciria (Viciria praemandibularis) - DSC_3112
  59. Jumping Spider (Viciria sp.)

    Wide-Jawed Viciria (Viciria praemandibularis) spotted eating her own eggs. Must’ve been stressed by our presence. 🙁

  60. Heavy Jumper (Hyllus sp.) - DSC_1128b
  61. Jumping Spider (Hyllus sp.)

    Heavy Jumper (Hyllus sp.), one of my favorite compositions this year.

  62. Araneidae – Orb Web Spiders

    This mega family appears to be the most diverse in morphology. Despite the given common name, many do not actually weave orb webs, don’t be confused!

    Orb Weaver Spider (Gea sp.) - DSC_7207
  63. Trashline orb web spider (Cyclosa sp.)

    This orb web spider decorates its web with debris which looked like prey carcasses.

  64. St Andrew's Cross Spider (Argiope sp.) - DSC_6893
  65. St Andrew’s cross spider (Argiope sp.)

    An Argiope busily spinning her egg sac. Look at all the silk!

  66. Scarlet Acusilas Spider (Acusilas coccineus) - DSC_6555
  67. Scarlet acusilas spider (Acusilas coccineus)

    Scarlet Acusilas Spider (Acusilas coccineus) with pearly babies.

  68. Scorpion-Tailed Spider (Arachnura logio) - DSC_5156
  69. Scorpion-tailed spider (Arachnura sp.)

    Stunningly patterned Scorpion-Tailed Spider (Arachnura sp.)

  70. Spiny Back Orb Weaver (Macracantha arcuata) - DSC_3295
  71. Longhorned orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)

    The classic Spiny Back Orb Weaver (Macracantha arcuata), probably the longest horns amongst all spiny spiders.

  72. Beccari's Tent Spider? (Cyrtophora beccarii) - DSC_4374
  73. Tent web spider (Cyrtophra beccarii)

    Documenting the tent web of a Beccari’s Tent Spider (Cyrtophora beccarii)

  74. Tree Stump Orb Weaver (Poltys sp.) - DSC_0640_text
  75. Tree stump orb web spider (Poltys sp.)

    Tree Stump Orb Weaver (Poltys sp.) demonstrating her camouflage.

  76. Scorpion-Tailed Spider (Arachnura sp.) - DSC_0570
  77. Scorpion-tailed spider (Arachnura sp.)

    Scorpion-Tailed Spider (Arachnura sp.) guarding her egg sacs.

  78. Paraplectana sp. - DSC_5523
  79. Ladybird-mimic spider (Paraplectana sp.)

    Paraplectana with a uniformly rich yellow colour.

  80. Kidney Garden Spider (Araneus mitificus) - DSC_0931b
  81. Kidney garden spider (Araneus mitificus)

    Just for fun, comparing the dorsal view of a Kidney Garden Spider (Araneus mitificus) with the Pringles logo.

  82. Orb Weaver Spider (Cyclosa insulana) - DSC_9569
  83. Trashline orb web spider (Cyclosa insulana)

    Cyclosa insulana perched in the middle of its orb web.

  84. Spiny Orb Weaver (Gasteracantha dalyi?) - DSC_3458
  85. Spiny orb web spider (Gasteracantha dalyi)

    Spiny Orb Weaver (Gasteracantha dalyi), not as long as M. arcuata but still significantly longer horns than others!

  86. Tree Stump Orb Weaver (Cyphalonotus sp.) - DSC_6169_combined
  87. Tree stump orb web spider (Cyphalonotus sp.)

    Another Tree Stump Orb Weaver (Cyphalonotus sp.) demonstrating its camouflage abilities.

  88. Orb Web Spider (Cyphalonotus sp.?) - DSC_4367
  89. Tree stump orb web spider (Cyphalonotus sp.)

    “V”! Spotted on Victor’s birthday. 😛

  90. St Andrew's Cross Spider (Argiope sp.) - DSC_4390
  91. St Andrew’s cross spider (Argiope sp.)

    Another Argiope with her “egg yolk”. Look closely to see the details of the tiny eggs!

  92. Paraplectana sp. - DSC_6729
  93. Ladybird-mimic spider (Paraplectana sp.)

    Another Paraplectana which is thought to be new to science.

  94. Big-Headed Bark Spider (Caerostris sp.) - DSC_7275
  95. Big-headed bark spider (Caerostris sp.)

    This Big-Headed Bark Spider (Caerostris sp.) was in my wish list for a long time. Not an adult yet but still a lovely specimen!

  96. Big-Headed Bark Spider (Caerostris sp.) - ESC_0553
  97. Big-headed bark spider (Caerostris sp.)

    Second Big-Headed Bark Spider (Caerostris sp.) sighting, each got more exciting than the next!

  98. Big-Headed Bark Spider (Caerostris sp.) - DSC_3828
  99. Big-headed bark spider (Caerostris sp.)

    Mother of all Big-Headed Bark Spiders, with a demonic look when illuminated under ultraviolet!!

  100. Thomisidae – Crab Spiders

    Common ambush spider but there are MANY lesser seen species around!

    Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) - DSC_5879
  101. Eight-spotted crab spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus)

    Quite a few Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) sightings this year. Managed to take a picture of the “8th spot”!

  102. Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) - DSC_1899
  103. Eight-spotted crab spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus)

    A chance sighting of the Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) while we were shooting the milky way!

  104. Eight-Spotted Crab Spiderling (Platythomisus octomaculatus) - DSC_3480
  105. Eight-spotted crab spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus)

    The Eight-Spotted Crab Spiderling (Platythomisus octomaculatus) popped out a few weeks later. No spots yet!

  106. Bird-Dropping Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_4908
  107. Bird-dropping crab spider (Thomisidae)

    Bird-Dropping Crab Spider, keeps prey under white patches of silk to mimic bird dropping as well!

  108. Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_6623
  109. Crab spider (Thomisidae)

    Bizarre looking Crab Spider found during one of our night shoots.

  110. Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_1247
  111. Crab spider (Thomisidae)

    Another interesting looking Crab Spider with a nice tone of green.

  112. Theridiidae – Comb-Footed Spiders

    Tiny little spiders that usually make their home under leaves.

    Comb-Footed Spider (Theridiidae) - DSC_8296
  113. Comb-footed spider (Chrysso sp.)

    A tiny Chrysso moulting

  114. Comb-Footed Spider (Argyrodes sp.) - DSC_2280
  115. Food-stealing comb-footed spider (Argyrodes sp.)

    A male kleptoparasite, Argyrodes lives on the webs of other spiders to feast on their prey.

  116. Mirror Spider (Thwaitesia sp.) - DSC_9975
  117. Mirror comb-footed spider (Thwaitesia sp.)

    My most stolen photo of the year. I called it the Comb-Footed Mirror Spider (Thwaitesia sp.) and it was published on several news sites and magazines.

  118. Twig Spider (Ariamnes sp.) - DSC_1961
  119. Twig-like comb-footed spider (Ariamnes sp.)

    Largest Theridiid I have ever seen. This Twig Spider (Ariamnes sp.) easily measured 2 inches long when stretched completely.

  120. Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Miturgidae – Sac Spiders

    Somehow all of these got to be called Sac Spiders.

    Ant-Like Sac Spider (Teutamus sp.) - DSC_8456
  121. Ant-like sac spider (Teutamus sp.)

    Face to face with an Ant-Like Sac Spider (Teutamus sp.)

  122. Long-Legged Sac Spider (Miturgidae) - DSC_9681
  123. Long-legged sac spider (Miturgidae)

    Long-Legged Sac Spider feasting on a caterpillar

  124. Spiny Ant-Like Sac Spider (Echinax sp.) - DSC_7609
  125. Spiny ant-like sac spider (Echinax sp.)

    Spiny Ant-Like Sac Spider which doesn’t look like a corinnid at all at first glance.

  126. Mygalomorphae – Tarantulas, Trapdoor Spiders, etc.

    These larger spiders live in burrows and rarely come out from their homes.

    Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider (Barychelidae) - DSC_4095
  127. Brush-footed trapdoor spider (Barychelidae)

    Just how many legs does this Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider (Barychelidae) have? The palps are as thick as the legs and are often mistaken to be the 9th and 10th legs.

  128. Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_8252
  129. Tarantula (Theraphosidae)

    Close up on the foot of a Tarantula, such beautiful patterns!

  130. Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_8304
  131. Tarantula (Theraphosidae)

    Found this Tarantula (Theraphosidae) clinging onto her egg sac in the open.

  132. Tube Trapdoor Spider (Nemesiidae) - ESC_0219
  133. Tube trapdoor spider (Nemesiidae)

    An immature Tube Trapdoor Spider (Nemesiidae)

  134. Tube Trapdoor Spider (Nemesiidae) - DSC_6556
  135. Tube trapdoor spider (Nemesiidae)

    Found this Tube Trapdoor Spider (Nemesiidae) in Nikoi Island.

  136. Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider (Barychelidae) - DSC_8306
  137. Brush-footed trapdoor spider (Barychelidae)

    Messed around with the leaf litter and found this Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider.

  138. Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_1118
  139. Tarantula (Theraphosidae)

    Sometimes, the subjects got angry with us. Tarantula with a threat display.

  140. Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_5184
  141. Tarantula (Theraphosidae)

    Common for Tarantulas to be infested with mites, especially between the chelicerae.

  142. Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider (Barychelidae) - DSC_7682
  143. Brush-footed trapdoor spider (Barychelidae)

    Initially thought to be a tarantula, this blue Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider (Barychelidae) was found resting in a drain, probably looking for a mate.

  144. Other Spiders

    Other families which may be common, but deserve a mention somehow! 😛

    Wall Spider (Oecobiidae) - DSC_3935
  145. Wall spider (Oecobiidae)

    Where else, but found in my home!

  146. Intertidal Spider (Desis sp.) - DSC_5297
  147. Intertidal spider (Desis sp.)

    Made a special trip to the shore to shoot this Intertidal Spider (Desis sp.). Mega large fangs!

  148. Psechrid Spider (Psechridae) - DSC_4805
  149. Psechrid spider (Psechridae)

    Interestingly large psechrid

  150. Daddy Long Legs Spider (Uthina luzonica) - ESC_0062
  151. Daddy-long-legs spider (Uthina luzonica)

    Daddy Long Legs Spider (Uthina luzonica) with one of the largest egg sacs I’ve ever seen on a Pholcid.

  152. Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_3419
  153. Wolf spider (Lycosidae)

    The elusive blue Wolf Spider taking a break at the edge of a dead leaf.

  154. Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) - DSC_2464
  155. Wolf spider (Lycosidae)

    Cannibalism of the Wolf Spider, not sure if that was the male or her spiderling?

  156. Nursery Web Spider (Hygropoda sp.) - DSC_5104
  157. Nursery web spider (Hygropoda sp.)

    Nursery Web Spider with her spiderlings

  158. Big-Jawed Spider (Mesida sp.) - DSC_1434
  159. Big-jawed spider (Mesida sp.)

    Big-Jawed Spider (Mesida sp.) with the metallic abdomen.

  160. Wandering Spider (Ctenidae) - DSC_8192
  161. Wandering spider (Ctenidae)

    Wandering Spider (Ctenidae) with a bluish tone, quite small for a Ctenid.

  162. Daddy-Long-Legs Spider (Pholcidae) - DSC_1610
  163. Daddy-long-legs spider (Pholcidae)

    Daddy-Long-Legs Spider, where the spiderlings were ready to hatch at any moment!

  164. Arachnida – Scorpions, Harvestmen, Whip Scorpions, Tailless Whip Scorpions, Mites, Ticks, Pseudoscorpions

    Many other arachnids other than spiders!

    Velvet Mite (Trombidiidae) - DSC_8868
  165. Velvet mite (Trombidiidae)

    Close up on a Velvet Mite

  166. Long-Legged Velvet Mite (Erythraeidae) - DSC_3290
  167. Long-legged velvet mite (Erythraeidae)

    Long-Legged Velvet Mite (Erythraeidae), different family from the one above!

  168. Harvestman (Opiliones) - DSC_3188
  169. Harvestman (Opiliones)

    Crazy excavator-like Harvestman (Opiliones)

  170. Pseudoscorpion clinging onto Longhorn Beetle (Cerambycidae) - DSC_3041
  171. Pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones)

    Pseudoscorpion clinging onto Longhorn Beetle (Cerambycidae), hoping for a free ride

  172. Harvestman (Sandokanidae) - DSC_1225
  173. Harvestman (Sandokanidae)

    Harvestman (Sandokanidae) moves at slow motion and likes to play dead when disturbed.

  174. Taillless Whip Scorpion (Amblypygi) - DSC_2701
  175. Tailless whip scorpion (Amblypygi)

    Taillless Whip Scorpion (Amblypygi) which my wife found in the shower when we were in Bali.

  176. Scorpion (Lychas scutilus) - DSC_1323
  177. Baby scorpions (Lychas scutilus)

    Fat little baby Scorpions!! (Lychas scutilus)

  178. Scorpion (Liocheles australasiae?) - DSC_8506
  179. Scorpion (Liocheles australasiae)

    Shake hands with this Scorpion (Liocheles australasiae?) will ya?

  180. Harvestman (Opiliones) - DSC_1541
  181. Harvestman (Opiliones)

    Harvestman with live prey

  182. Harvestman (Opiliones) - DSC_1554
  183. Harvestman (Opiliones)

    Harvestman feasting on fungus (thought to be more common than live prey)

  184. Hemiptera – Bugs

    Bugs… my wife calls my group the bug people. But we really shoot more than this beautiful order!

    Leafhopper (Cicadellidae) - DSC_7048
  185. Leafhopper (Cicadellidae)

    The Leafhopper (Cicadellidae) is supposed to be really common, but a green one isn’t!

  186. Leaf Footed Bug (Coreidae) - DSC_5033
  187. Leaf-footed bug (Coreidae)

    This Leaf Footed Bug (Coreidae) happens to be my blog header now. 🙂

  188. Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) - DSC_8679
  189. Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae)

    Mating pair of common Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae)

  190. Treehopper (Membracidae) - DSC_5867
  191. Treehopper (Membracidae)

    Ultraman reborn in the form of a Treehopper (Membracidae)

  192. Derbid Planthopper (Derbidae) - DSC_5760
  193. Derbid planthoppers (Derbidae)

    A pair of Derbid Planthoppers “sparring”

  194. Planthopper (Fulgoromorpha) - DSC_1523
  195. Planthopper (Fulgoromorpha)

    These Planthoppers seem to always come in rich colour tones!

  196. Leafhopper nymph (Selenocephalinae) - DSC_3307
  197. Leafhopper nymph (Selenocephalinae)

    Leafhopper nymph (Selenocephalinae) with 2 bizarre hairy tails

  198. Derbid Planthopper (Derbidae) - DSC_3252
  199. Derbid planthopper (Derbidae)

    Derbid Planthopper (Derbidae) with a mite on its back

  200. Planthoppers (Fulgoromorpha) - DSC_6946
  201. Planthoppers (Fulgoromorpha)

    Family of Planthoppers!

  202. Moth-like Planthopper (Ricaniidae) - DSC_4232
  203. Moth-like planthopper (Ricaniidae)

    Moth-like Planthopper (Ricaniidae) fresh from moult

  204. Eurybrachyid Planthopper (Ancyra sp.) - DSC_5056
  205. Eurybrachyid planthopper (Ancyra sp.)

    Eurybrachyid Planthopper (Ancyra sp.) which Dani found when we were in Cambodia.

  206. Derbid Planthopper (Derbidae) - DSC_6514
  207. Derbid planthopper (Derbidae)

    A red Derbid Planthopper

  208. Planthopper (Penthicodes bimaculata) - DSC_7458
  209. Blue-green planthopper (Penthicodes bimaculata)

    One of the most colourful planthoppers around here.

  210. Derbid Planthopper (Otiocerus sp.) - DSC_8843
  211. Derbid planthopper (Otiocerus sp.)

    Very small planthopper but relatively easy to shoot.

  212. Issid Planthopper? (Issidae) - DSC_8641
  213. Issid planthopper (Issidae)

    Issid planthopper?

  214. Planthoppers (Fulgoromorpha) - DSC_8912
  215. Planthopper (Fulgoromorpha)

    Yes, another family of Planthoppers

  216. Moth-Like Planthopper (Ricaniidae) - DSC_9268
  217. Moth-like planthopper (Ricaniidae)

    Moth-Like Planthopper coming in matcha flavor

  218. Planthopper nymph (Fulgoromorpha) - DSC_1155
  219. Planthopper nymph (Fulgoromorpha)

    Planthopper nymph displaying an explosive butt (or fireworks for the new year)

  220. Water Stick Insect (Ranatra sp.) - DSC_8911
  221. Water stick insects (Ranatra sp.)

    Water Stick Insects (Ranatra sp.) mating underwater

  222. Ant-Snatching Assassin Bug (Acanthaspis sp.) - DSC_0750
  223. Ant-snatching assassin bug (Acanthaspis sp.)

    Ant-Snatching Assassin Bug (Acanthaspis sp.) with the largest mountain of carcasses I’ve ever seen on its back!

  224. Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs? (Halyomorpha halys?) - DSC_2966
  225. Brown marmorated stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys)

    Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs? (Halyomorpha halys?) cuddling together

  226. Scale Insect? (Coccoidea) - DSC_8033
  227. Scale insect (Coccoidea)

    Scale Insect? (Coccoidea) One of the interesting discoveries of the year. Will certainly keep an eye for these next time!

  228. Coleoptera – Beetles

    Looking up close at some beetles often reveal a lot of unexpected details!

    Longhorn Beetles (Chlorophorus annularis) - DSC_2468
  229. Longhorn Beetles (Chlorophorus annularis) that I found while I was cycling in Bali.

  230. Tortoise Beetle (Cassidinae) - DSC_6084
  231. Tortoise Beetle (Cassidinae) saying bye bye to me.

  232. Stag Beetle (Lucanidae) - DSC_4692
  233. Stag Beetle (Lucanidae), really tiny one!

  234. Darkling Beetle? (Tenebrionidae) - DSC_1407
  235. Darkling Beetle? (Tenebrionidae). We called it the “oil-spill” beetle. 😛

  236. Close up of Mango Longhorn Beetle (Batocera rubus) - DSC_2093b
  237. Close up of Mango Longhorn Beetle (Batocera rubus)

  238. Darkling Beetle (Platydema sp.) - DSC_1680
  239. Darkling Beetle (Platydema sp.) which shows up green only under the flash

  240. Beetles - DSC_7709
  241. Mating beetles oblivious to the crowd around them.

  242. Rove Beetle (Neopinophilus sp.) - DSC_8801
  243. Rove Beetle (Neopinophilus sp.), some may have a potent chemical defence so we were quite wary of it.

  244. Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae) - DSC_9072
  245. Another “oil-spill” Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae)

  246. Straight-Snouted Weevil (Brentidae) - DSC_1496
  247. Straight-Snouted Weevil (Brentidae) getting ready to escape!

  248. DSC_0871
  249. Cute Darkling Beetle with bunny-like “ears”

  250. Orthopetera – Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids

    To the layman, most just called them grasshoppers.

    Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpidae) - DSC_1272
  251. Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpidae), unfortunately this one was injured when we found it

  252. Katydid moulting (Tettigoniidae) - DSC_8059
  253. Katydid moulting (Tettigoniidae)

  254. Forest Leaf Grasshopper (Systella rafflesii) - DSC_7530
  255. Forest Leaf Grasshopper (Systella rafflesii) with back-lighting

  256. Forest Leaf Grasshopper (Systella rafflesii) - DSC_7651
  257. Spot the Forest Leaf Grasshopper! Click on the photo for the answer.

  258. Monkey Grasshopper (Erianthus versicolor) - DSC_5223
  259. Cute little Monkey Grasshopper (Erianthus versicolor) found in Cambodia.

  260. Predatory Katydid (Hexacentrus unicolor) - DSC_8901
  261. First time seeing a Predatory Katydid (Hexacentrus unicolor) in action

  262. Katydid nymph (Phaneropterinae) - DSC_2527
  263. Katydid nymph (Phaneropterinae) with a pinkish head.

  264. Diptera, Neuroptera, Ephemeroptera – Flies

    They fly. Really fast.

    Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae) - DSC_6204
  265. Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae) with the patterned compound eyes

  266. Lacewing eggs? - DSC_5071
  267. Lacewing eggs, looks like they have hatched!

  268. Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_3737
  269. Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) from the leaf litter, with back-lighting

  270. Lacewing (Chrysopidae) - DSC_4295
  271. Lacewing (Chrysopidae) with potential numbers on the wings (for 4D)

  272. Robberfly (Asilidae) - DSC_5952
  273. Robberfly (Asilidae) with prey

  274. Robberfly (Asilidae) with captured Long-legged fly (Dolichopodidae) - DSC_5296
  275. Robberfly (Asilidae) with captured Long-legged fly (Dolichopodidae)

  276. Big-Headed Fly (Pipunculidae) - DSC_8453
  277. Super cute Big-Headed Fly (Pipunculidae)

  278. Crane Fly (Tipulidae) - DSC_2378
  279. Crane Fly (Tipulidae) taking a break from all the break-dancing. It quivers rapidly to make itself less visible to potential predators.

  280. Midge (Chironomidae) - DSC_8888b
  281. Midge (Chironomidae) with plumose antennae.

  282. Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) - DSC_4981
  283. Mayfly (Ephemeroptera). Wonder why it always seems to be looking at the sky?

  284. Hymenoptera – Ants, Bees, Wasps

    Subjects that bite or sting and don’t really like me. Ok ok… not all bite or sting. 😛

    Ant (Myrmicaria sp.) - DSC_6164
  285. Ant (Myrmicaria sp.) grooming the queen?

  286. Armored Ant (Cataulacus sp.) - DSC_5056
  287. Armored Ant (Cataulacus sp.) looked like any other ant if not observed closely enough.

  288. Scoliid Wasp (Scoliidae) - DSC_6610
  289. Scoliid Wasp (Scoliidae), lots of them in Nikoi Island.

  290. Mantis Parasitic Wasp (Podagrion sp.) - DSC_9361
  291. Mantis Parasitic Wasp (Podagrion sp.) ovipositing into a mantis ootheca.

  292. Cuckoo Wasp (Chrysididae) - DSC_9871
  293. Cuckoo Wasp (Chrysididae), easily the most beautiful wasp here.

  294. Ensign Wasp (Evania appendigaster) - DSC_1045
  295. Ensign Wasp (Evania appendigaster) preys on cockroaches.

  296. Crown Wasp ovipositing (Stephanidae) - DSC_1676
  297. Crown Wasp ovipositing (Stephanidae)

  298. Sweat Bees sleeping (Halictidae) - DSC_2011
  299. Sweat Bees sleeping (Halictidae)

  300. Forest Ant (Camponotus gigas) - DSC_4752
  301. Forest Ant (Camponotus gigas), one of the rare moments where it stopped for me to shoot.

  302. Blattodea – Cockroaches, Termites

    Not the favorite order as they are often viewed as pests.

    Big-Headed Termite - DSC_1852
  303. Big-Headed Termite

  304. Armored Cockroach (Catara rugosicollis) - DSC_7506
  305. Armored Cockroach (Catara rugosicollis) gives off a weird smell.. really weird.

  306. Winged Termites (Termitoidae) - DSC_8081
  307. Winged Termites (Termitoidae) marching in unison.

  308. Cockroach (Blattodea) - DSC_9618
  309. Cockroach (Blattodea) doing a “Darth Vader”.

  310. Lepidoptera – Butterflies, Moths and their larva

    Because 90% of my shoots were at night, we hardly take pictures of butterflies now.

    Caterpillars - DSC_2907
  311. Caterpillars which reminded me of gummi worms…

  312. Puppy Moth - DSC_6670
  313. Puppy Moth found at night in Nikoi Island.

  314. Skull-Faced Caterpillar - DSC_0238
  315. Skull-Faced Caterpillar

  316. Caterpillar - DSC_7371
  317. Back-lit Caterpillar which looked like it was struck by a hundred arrows

  318. Caterpillar - DSC_7878
  319. Another back-lit Caterpillar to highlight the hairs

  320. Hawk Moth Caterpillar - DSC_0671
  321. Hawk Moth Caterpillar

  322. Odonata – Dragonflies, Damselflies

    On the lookout for these beauties in morning dew!

    Dragonfly (Anisoptera) - DSC_9785
  323. Dragonfly (Anisoptera)

  324. Dragonfly nymph - DSC_8928
  325. Dragonfly nymph.. underwater!

  326. Mantodea – Praying Mantises

    Showcasing some of the more interesting ones we spotted this year!

    Moss Mantis (Ceratohaania sp.?) - DSC_6492
  327. Moss Mantis (Ceratohaania sp.?), incredibly camouflaged when walking on mossy surfaces.

  328. Boxer Mantis nymph (Hestiasula sp.) - DSC_8047
  329. Boxer Mantis nymph (Hestiasula sp.) with crazy spikes on the abdomen.

  330. Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys sp.) - DSC_3092
  331. Majestic Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys sp.)

  332. Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys sp.) - DSC_3122
  333. Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys sp.) with back-lighting

  334. Flower Mantis nymph (Hymenopodidae?) - DSC_3690
  335. Flower Mantis nymph (Hymenopodidae?) looking shy…

  336. Phasmatodea – Stick Insects

    Lots of stick insects in Singapore, but they are also the most difficult subjects to create a beautiful photograph with.

    Stick Insects (Phasmatodea) mating - DSC_3775
  337. Lovely pair of Stick Insects (Phasmatodea) mating. Looked very dull initially but turned out quite nice!

  338. Stick Insect (Haaniella sp.) - DSC_6713
  339. Face to face with a Stick Insect (Haaniella sp.)

  340. Myriapoda – Centipedes, Millipedes

    These many-legged subjects are abundant in our forests. But which ones captured our eyes?

    Centipede moulting (Scolopendra sp.) - DSC_8708
  341. Centipede moulting (Scolopendra sp.) posing with its ex-claws.

  342. Millipedes (Diplopoda) - DSC_9058
  343. Millipedes (Diplopoda) mating

  344. House Centipede (Scutigeridae) - DSC_8765
  345. House Centipede (Scutigeridae), face to face!

  346. House Centipede (Scutigeridae) - DSC_0137
  347. House Centipede (Scutigeridae) moulting. Rare to see it purple! Turns brown when the exoskeleton hardens.

  348. Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida) - DSC_0506
  349. Pill Millipede (Sphaerotheriida) struggling to unroll and get moving.

  350. Onychophora – Velvet Worms

    Only know of 1 species in Singapore, but this crazy worm deserves a category of its own!

    Velvet Worm (Eoperipatus sumatranus?) - DSC_0939
  351. Velvet Worm (Eoperipatus sumatranus?) looking as if it was ready to sing.

  352. Velvet Worm (Eoperipatus sumatranus?) - DSC_0927
  353. Velvet Worm (Eoperipatus sumatranus?) with cute knobbly legs.

  354. Happy Birthday Singapore!
  355. Happy Birthday Singapore! A tribute to the country where most of the macro shots on this blog took place in.

  356. Other Insects

    Still insects but in lesser known orders.

    Springtail (Neanurinae) - ESC_0017
  357. Springtail (Neanurinae) at 1+mm

  358. Earwig (Dermaptera) - DSC_2894
  359. Earwig (Dermaptera), another commonly ignored subject.

  360. Amphibians, Reptiles – Frogs, Snakes, Lizards

    Usually larger but often spotted in our jungle journeys. Will just document whatever we see!!

    Striped Kukri Snake (Oligodon octolineatus) - DSC_3639
  361. Striped Kukri Snake (Oligodon octolineatus)

  362. Larut Torrent Frog (Amolops larutensis) on Hose's Frog (Odorrana hosii) - DSC_4861
  363. Larut Torrent Frog (Amolops larutensis) on Hose’s Frog (Odorrana hosii)

  364. Reticulated Python (Broghammerus reticulatus) - DSC_7328
  365. Reticulated Python (Broghammerus reticulatus) which appeared after the drains flooded from the rain.

  366. Reticulated Python (Broghammerus reticulatus) - DSC_7357
  367. Reticulated Python (Broghammerus reticulatus)

  368. Crested Lizard (Agamidae) - DSC_3326b
  369. Crested Lizard (Agamidae)

  370. Wagler's Pit Viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri) - ESC_0130
  371. Wagler’s Pit Viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri), probably a juvenile

  372. Plants

    Inanimate subjects often capture our attention as well.

    Bioluminescent Fungi (Filoboletus manipularis?) - DSC_2562
  373. Bioluminescent Fungi (Filoboletus manipularis?)

  374. Bioluminescent Fungi (Filoboletus manipularis?) - DSC_2500
  375. Bioluminescent Fungi (Filoboletus manipularis?)

  376. Wide Angle Macro

    I experimented with a few wide angle lenses, and eventually settled on one lens to bring to capture slightly larger subjects – the Sigma 15mm F/2.8 Fisheye. It is small, and has a very short working distance.

    Lunula Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda lunula) - DSC_2063
  377. Lunula Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda lunula)

  378. Stick Insect (Phasmatodea) - DSC_6306
  379. Stick Insect (Phasmatodea)

  380. Tarantula (Theraphosidae) - DSC_1299
  381. Tarantula threatening to destroy my lens

  382. Ultraviolet Macro

    I bought countless ultraviolet lights this year to experiment on, and eventually settled on the 365nm range of lights. The results were much more pleasant than the 395nm range of ultraviolet torches. This year, we found that scorpions were not the only arthropods that fluoresce under ultraviolet! I will write a separate post soon on how these photos were taken.

    Huntsman Spider (Gnathopalystes sp.) - DSC_1521
  383. Huntsman Spider (Gnathopalystes sp.). The long exposure allowed the struggling prey to appear with motion blur.

  384. Katydid in Ultraviolet (Tettigoniidae) - DSC_1504
  385. Katydid in Ultraviolet (Tettigoniidae) reveals crazy vein patterns.

  386. Stick Insect under Ultraviolet (Phasmatodea) - DSC_3064
  387. Stick Insect under Ultraviolet (Phasmatodea)

  388. Paraplectana sp. - DSC_6768
  389. Paraplectana sp. which many called the one-up spider. (recall Super Mario?)

  390. Crab Spider (Thomisidae) - DSC_6658
  391. Crab Spider (Thomisidae)

  392. Crab Spider (Tmarus sp.) - DSC_7636
  393. Crab Spider (Tmarus sp.)

  394. Bird Dung Spider (Pasilobus sp.) - DSC_9805
  395. Bird Dung Spider (Pasilobus sp.), looking like a precious stone.

  396. Harvestman (Opiliones) - DSC_3204
  397. Harvestman (Opiliones)

  398. Scorpion (Liocheles australasiae?) - DSC_8540
  399. Scorpion (Liocheles australasiae?)

  400. Harvestman (Opiliones) under UV light - DSC_3794
  401. Harvestman (Opiliones) under UV light

  402. Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae) - DSC_4132
  403. Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae) with only the eyes fluorescing

  404. Millipede under UV light (Diplopoda) - DSC_8981
  405. Millipede under UV light (Diplopoda)

  406. Last but not least, I had this macro photography poster done up with the help of my wife. 🙂

    Macro Photography Workshop Poster
  407. Macro Photography Workshop Poster

  408. Macro Photography Workshop Poster
  409. Students from one of my macro photography workshops

The complete album can be viewed on Flickr.




Hi my name is Nicky Bay. I am a macro photographer, instructor and book author, travelling the world to document the vast micro biodiversity that nature has to offer. Follow my updates and discover with me the incredible beauty and science behind our planet's micro creatures!

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All images © 2008-2025 Nicky Bay unless stated otherwise. Reproduction of any content without permission is prohibited. Please read the Image Use Policy and contact [email protected] for licensing requests.

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